A great natural remedy to cure a boil is to put the lemon compresses into the boil, because the lemon has antiseptic properties, helping to treat this skin infection.
The boil is a skin infection caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, characterized by a red, but yellow, nodule-like lesion with pus in the interior. The boil usually cures on its own in up to 2 weeks, but if after this time the pus does not leak, the boil becomes redder, swollen and with more pus or the individual has many pains, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for pus. Know what it is and how to identify the boil.
In addition, lemon, being rich in vitamin C, when consumed, helps to strengthen the immune system, being not only a good natural remedy for boils, but also an excellent home remedy for furunculosis, which is when boils appear repeatedly. Learn more about furunculosis.
1. Lemon Compresses
To make the lemon compresses, simply wrap with a gauze a slice of thick lemon and with enough juice and to rest on the boil for 10 minutes.
Next, discard the lemon and repeat the process with another lemon and another gauze 2 more times, or until the boil opens and the pus begins to leak.
2. Lemon juice
To make the lemon juice, one should squeeze the juice of 2 lemons, add it in 1 cup of water, stir well and drink the juice about 3 times a day.
3. Melaleuca oil
Melaleuca oil is great for treating the boil because it has antiseptic, antibacterial and healing properties. The oil should be applied with a swab on the boil once a day. See what the benefits of melaleuca oil are.
4. Onion Compressa
The onion compress is a great natural remedy for the boil because it is able to eliminate the bacteria causing the boil and decrease the inflammation.
To make the compress simply wrap a thick slice of raw onion with gauze and apply on the boil for 2 hours 2 times a day. See other home remedies for boil.