An excellent home remedy for infant roséola is ash tea, as this medicinal plant possesses antipyretic properties that helps to lower the fever characteristic of this disease.
Roseola is a disease caused by a virus of the herpes family, very common in children, that causes a high fever, between 38 and 40ºC, that appears suddenly and that falls or disappears after 4 days. After the fever, pink spots appear on the child's body, which usually do not itch.
In this way, this home remedy is used to treat children's roseola, as it helps to reduce the child's fever. If necessary, your pediatrician may prescribe a fever remedy, such as Paracetamol.
- 25 g of dry ash bark
- 500 ml of water
Method of preparation
Put the ash bark in the water and boil for about 10 minutes. Then strain and give about 3 to 4 cups a day of tea to the child until the fever subsides or disappears.
In addition to this home remedy for roseola, to help reduce the fever of the child, parents can give a warm bath in the child or put a wet cloth in cold water on the forehead or underarms for a few minutes.
To know more about the disease, see: Infant Roséola.