The most common symptoms of osteomalacia are bone pain and muscle weakness, but the disease can still produce symptoms such as:
- Sensation of numbness around the mouth, arms or legs;
- "Trembling" sensation: muscle spasms that occur mainly in the hands and feet.
In the child osteomalacia can generate the rickets that causes the bone to not grow properly leading to the short stature.
The individuals most likely to suffer from osteomalacia are those who do not have adequate diet and ingest insufficient amounts of calcium and vitamin D; have any other disease that may cause osteomalacia; the elderly and those who do not have a sun exposure for at least 15 to 20 minutes daily.
People who were born in sunny countries and who live in countries where it is very cold and there is little sun exposure may also develop osteomalacia and as a form of prevention is directed to increase the intake of foods rich in calcium and in D vitamin.
Treatment for osteomalacia
Treatment for osteomalacia can be done by supplementing with vitamin D, calcium and / or phosphorus, but it is important to find the cause of the disease and then eliminate it. In cases where the osteomalacia generated bone deformities can be used to the surgeries for the correction of the affected bones.