The swollen belly is a relatively common symptom that is usually associated with the excessive presence of intestinal gas, especially in people suffering from constipation.
However, if other symptoms, such as anal bleeding or the onset of hemorrhoids, are associated with it, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist to assess the situation and start the best treatment.
Another common situation of swelling in the belly is poor digestion, so if you think this may be the problem, watch the video of nutritionist Tatiana Zanin to know the causes of poor digestion and how to solve:
To combat the swelling of the body, in general, not only the belly, you can take a diuretic tea and avoid salt consumption as much as possible, giving preference to a healthier diet, seasoned with fine herbs. Some examples of natural diuretics are ginger tea with cinnamon and consumption of foods like parsley, pumpkin, cucumber, watermelon and cherries. Here are some tips to stop belly bloating in belly bloating.
1. Gases
They are the most common causes and are linked to the excess of gases that can occur due to situations such as diet rich in fats, fried foods and sweets. The consumption of very spicy foods with excess seasonings are also some of the frequent causes of the swollen belly as they also cause many intestinal gas, which tend to dilate the lower abdominal region.
How to solve: Eating slowly, not swallowing air when eating and drinking fennel tea is a great help because it has properties that soothe the production of gases, relieving the symptoms quickly. See other natural ways to fight intestinal gas.
2. Menstruation
It is very common for women to complain that their belly is swollen during menstruation. This is due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal area at this stage. The swelling tends to disappear naturally with the end of menstruation.
How to solve: To reduce the swollen belly during menstruation, what you can do is take a tea diuretic, such as green tea or eat some slices of melon, for example.
3. Pregnancy
When the belly begins to get more swollen from the belly button down and the menstruation is delayed a few days, this can be a sign of pregnancy. It is normal for the belly to start to become more prominent below the navel in the first trimester of pregnancy and, over time, it grows more evenly until it reaches the breasts.
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During pregnancy, women tend to accumulate a lot of fluids, making them look all swollen, especially in the ankles, hands and nose. In this regard, what you can do is to reduce salt and sodium intake and drink plenty of water. It is not recommended to take any tea without the doctor's knowledge, as many may cause premature labor.
4. Constipation
Constipation may be related to low fiber intake, poor physical activity, and poor water intake, and may affect people of all ages, although it is more common in sedentary and bedridden people.
How to solve: Consume foods rich in fiber, as they favor the formation of fecal cake, reducing constipation and gases associated with it. Good examples are oats, muesli, wheat bran, whole foods, fruits and vegetables raw or boiled in water and salt.
In addition to this home remedy, you can still take a glass of natural yogurt beaten with 1/2 papaya papaya and sweetened with honey daily. All of these examples have no contraindications and can be used by individuals of all ages, including infants. See other natural ways to combat constipation.
5. Overweight
Sometimes the belly is not only swollen with accumulation of fat in this region and in this case it is necessary to burn this fat to solve this problem.
How to solve: Exercise daily and eat less foods rich in fat and sugar. If you need help adjusting your power, watch the following video: