Colitis is an inflammation in the intestine that has several causes, which can be both stress and infections by bacteria, for example.
Thus, treatment varies according to the cause of colitis, and can be done through the use of medications, such as anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, or changes in diet, as this is a common factor in almost all types of colitis. followed a light diet to relieve inflammation of the intestine and decrease the lesions.
Learn more about what is colitis, major symptoms and types.
Drug treatment for colitis
Drug treatment for colitis is recommended by the doctor and may be both to relieve symptoms such as pain and fever, through analgesics and anti-inflammatories such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, or to eliminate the bacteria that cause colitis through antibiotics, such as Metronidazole or Vancomycin.
It may be recommended by the nutritionist to use colitis for the use of multivitamins, to improve the nutritional status of the person, as well as drugs to stop diarrhea, such as sulfasalazine, which is an intestinal anti-inflammatory with antibiotic and immunosuppressive properties . However, these medicinal products should only be used under medical supervision.
Natural treatment for colitis
A great home remedy for colitis is to take the pure apple juice made on the spot several times a day. Just pass the apples through the centrifuge and take the juice soon after. See which juices are indicated for inflammation in the intestine.
The person should choose to eat many probiotic foods that aim to regulate the amount of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. In addition, it is important to have a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish and lean meats, which should be prepared without adding oil, to avoid anemia, malnutrition and dehydration, by increasing the intake of water, water coconut and fruit juice. Learn how the diet for colitis is made.
A good alternative treatment for colitis is acupuncture, because it helps in the reorganization of the person's energy, reducing the symptoms of colitis. However, it does not rule out the need for other treatments at the same time.
When is surgery indicated?
Surgery is indicated when treatment with drugs and as the diet are not effective, requiring surgery to remove part or all of the colon or rectum. Usually this occurs in cases of more severe colitis where the lesion is irreversible.