Allergy in the baby can have several causes, such as reaction to some food that the baby is allergic, shampoo or moisturizing cream or even heat. Therefore, it is not always easy for parents to see what causes the allergy in the baby.
What to do in case of allergy in baby
What should be done in case of allergy in the baby is to try to identify the agent causing the allergy and prevent the baby from being in contact with it, such as eliminating some food from the baby's food, one at a time, to try to perceive to which he is allergic and then completely withdraw it from feeding or do not use the shampoo that triggered an allergic reaction in the baby.
In addition, it is important to bring the baby to the pediatrician to indicate the appropriate allergy treatment, which can be done with antihistamines and corticosteroids.
Allergy in baby's skin
Allergy to baby's skin is characterized by red spots, dry or scaly skin, itching, and sometimes small blisters on the baby's skin.
Often, baby skin allergy is caused by the contact of the baby's skin with shampoo or specific moisturizers, heat or clothing.
Food Allergy in Baby
The food allergy in the baby usually manifests itself in the skin through reddish, swollen patches and scattered throughout the body.
In addition, a baby's food allergy may manifest itself through digestive problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, or gas, and breathing difficulties such as runny nose or trouble breathing.
From the first year of the baby's life, the pediatrician may indicate that the baby does specific allergy testing to detect which agent (s) he or she is allergic to.
Useful links:
- Allergy in baby's skin
- Symptoms of food allergy in the baby