Orange juice is a great remedy for high blood pressure because it is rich in Vitamin C and potassium, which acts as a natural diuretic, causing the kidneys to remove more water and sodium from the body, which helps reduce blood pressure.
In addition, foods such as aloe, eggplant and papaya are also excellent options to increase orange juice and bring more health benefits, such as helping to remove fats from the arteries, improve circulation and control cholesterol, and reduce symptoms such as tachycardia, tingling, and chest pain.
1. Juice of Orange and Aloe
The slug increases this juice by bringing nutrients that act as anti-inflammatory and depurative, helping to prevent heart disease.
- 2 oranges
- 50 ml slug juice
Method of preparation:
Squeeze the oranges and beat in the blender along with the slug, then take, preferably without sweetening. Do 1 to 2 times a day.
2. Orange Juice with Ginger
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and it helps to thin the blood, facilitating circulation in blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.
- juice of 3 oranges
- 2 g ginger
Method of preparation:
Beat the juice of the oranges and the ginger in the blender, taking half in the morning and half in the afternoon.
3. Orange Juice with Cucumber
The cucumber has a high diuretic power, which also helps fight the retention of fluids, improve circulation and reduce blood pressure.
- juice of 2 oranges
- 1 cucumber
Method of preparation:
Beat the juice of the oranges and the cucumber in the blender, then drink without sweetening.
It is important to remember that these juices do not replace the medication indicated by the cardiologist, but they work as a great complement to the treatment, which should also include a poor diet in salt and regular practice of physical activity. See other home remedies for high blood pressure in: Home remedy for high blood pressure.