A good natural remedy for high blood pressure is to take daily eggplant juice with orange, guava vitamin, or Embaúba infusion as they help to decrease the pressure.
However, in order to control high blood pressure, it is important to avoid disease risk factors by adopting a healthy lifestyle, regular physical exercise such as walking, and low salt and sodium intake present in processed foods, -or for herbs, for example.
Eggplant juice with orange for high blood pressure
Eggplant juice with orange for high blood pressure helps eliminate fat plaques from the interior of the arteries by balancing the blood pressure in the vessels.
- ½ raw eggplant with peel
- 1 orange with bagasse but not shelled
- 1 glass of water
Method of preparation
Beat all the ingredients in the blender, strain and drink soon after, preferably in the morning, without sweetening.
This home remedy is a way of supplementing high blood pressure treatment and in some cases may exclude the need to take the remedies for pressure but always with the knowledge of the cardiologist.
Guava vitamin for high blood pressure
An excellent home treatment for high blood pressure is the guava vitamin. Guava in addition to vitamins B2, A and C is a source of lycopene and soluble fiber, these substances help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The action of the fruit helps to reduce resistance in the blood vessels and improves circulation.
- 2 red guavas
- 500 ml of skim milk
- 2 tablespoons honey
Mode of preparation
Beat all the ingredients in the blender until a creamy consistency. Sugar with honey and vitamin is ready to be drunk. Drink the guava vitamin at least 3 times a week and reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol.
Orange juice with beets for high blood pressure
Beet juice is an excellent home remedy for high blood pressure, scientifically called hypertension, because it contains sugar, sodium and potassium that normalizes blood pressure.
- juice of 2 oranges
- 2 slices cooked beet
Method of preparation
Beat the ingredients in the blender, strain and drink the following.
A survey conducted by the London School of Medicine in the UK showed that blood pressure decreases by one hour after ingestion of this juice. Another benefit of beet consumption is increasing the ability to perform physical exercise by making them less tiring. But it is necessary to adopt this home remedy as a complementary form of treatment for hypertension, not forgetting to take the antihypertensive drugs prescribed by the doctor.
Useful links:
- High Blood Pressure Symptoms
- High blood pressure, what to do