An excellent natural solution to get dark spots on the skin is to wash the area you want to lighten with the aromatic tea.
This plant, scientifically called S. terebinthifolius, has properties that inhibit the tyrosinase of the skin, clearing various types of spots. It is effective against stains on the face and skin left by acne, sun, lemon, pregnancy and even by the use of contraception. Scientifically it is equated with kojic acid, one of the most efficient in removing spots on the skin.
How to prepare the tea:
- 1 cup of bark of trunk and some leaves of aroeira
- 1 cup water
Method of preparation
Put the 2 ingredients in a pan and boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Wait for the bottle to cool and store in a tightly closed glass container.
Wet a gauze in this solution and apply it to stained skin, let it act for about 20 minutes, and then wash normally. Repeat the procedure daily until the spots completely disappear.
To really get rid of stains by standardizing the skin tone it is also important to always pass the sunscreen, because it is it that will prevent the darkening of the skin and the appearance of new spots. The most indicated factor is at least 15, but you still need to wear a hat, sunglasses and avoid sun exposure.
Other natural ways to get rid of skin blemishes
Other herbal options that can be used as a natural remedy to get skin blemishes in order of effectiveness are:
- Breast-bitch sheets
- Extract of bark from the trunk of aroeira
- Extract of the barbatimão trunk
- Seed sheets
- Leaves of barbatimão
- Aerial parts of the white rose
- Field canopy leaves
- Leaves and root of frog-mouth
- Leaves of arnica mining
- Leaves of carqueja
A very effective way to remove skin blemishes is to prepare a tea with some of these medicinal plants and apply it daily on the affected area. Another option is to ask the pharmacist to create a cream handled with one of these ingredients.
Aesthetic treatments to remove skin blemishes
In this video you will find several tips on how to take dark patches of skin: