The postpartum girdle is recommended because it helps to rearrange the woman's organs in place, decrease swelling, giving the woman more confidence to move, cough or drive, especially after a cesarean section, giving a better silhouette of the body .
It is very important for the woman to talk to the doctor before using any postpartum band and track, deciding their need, because not wearing the strap can lead to the formation of a seroma, which is the accumulation of fluid at the site of caesarean. Learn more at: Seroma.
However, constant or prolonged use of the treadmill is not recommended because it can hinder the movements of the abdominal muscles and disrupt blood flow, such as during exercise. Thus, the strap should only be used during the day and at night, but never in the gym, and for a maximum period of 3 months.
Postpartum Belt Models
Before choosing which strap to buy it is advised to wear different models to know which one is more comfortable for each case. Usually the most comfortable are those that allow you to release the strap in pieces, so you do not have to take it all the time, which makes it much easier when you go to the bathroom.
When to use postpartum tape
It is advisable to use the postpartum strap right after the baby is born, still in the hospital. Usually when the woman feels stabilized and able to stand alone, she can take a shower and then dress the tape.
The strap should be worn throughout the day and throughout the night, being taken only for bathing and for physical exercise, for example.
Benefits of Using Postpartum Strap
It is not mandatory to use the strap, but it can help to hold the belly and also:
- It contributes to the return of the uterus to its physiological position, since it is still very large even after delivery;
- Helps prevent spinal pain that usually happens because the abdominal muscles are very weakened;
- It leaves the woman's silhouette more beautiful, contributing to her self-esteem and well-being;
- It prevents the formation of seroma, which can happen in women who had a cesarean section, but in any case it is also recommended for those who had a normal birth.
The postpartum bandage can be used for up to 3 months, because from this stage the woman can already practice exercises to specifically strengthen the abdominals, and the use of the strap may impair the strengthening of the muscles.
Check out the best exercises to lose belly in postpartum.
Postpartum Strap Price
The price of the postpartum band ranges from 40 to 350 reais, depending on the brand and the place where it is purchased. The postpartum brace exists in various brands like yoga, my lady, esbelt, liz or demillus, for example.
What size to use
The size to use the strap varies according to the physical structure of the woman. However, it is important that it is comfortable and does not tighten the belly too much.
To buy the right size, it is best to go to the store to try it out and choose one that is comfortable and does not detract from your breath or make the woman feel uncomfortable after eating. A good tip is to put on the strap, sit down and eat a fruit or some biscuit to see how you feel.
In addition, you should not use very tight straps with the intention of thinning the waist, because these actually prevent the natural contraction of the muscles of the abdomen and end up causing weakness and sagging abdominal. See more in Waistband?