Iodeton is an expectorant medicine that has the active substance Potassium Iodide.
This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. The action of the drug is still not well defined but it is known to facilitate the entry of air into the lungs, improving the breathing of patients.
Indications of Iodeton
Asthma; bronchitis; bronchiectasis; emphysema.
Iodeton price
The 100 ml vial of iodeton costs approximately 9 reais.
Side Effects of Iodeton
Irregular heartbeat; confusion; fever; tiredness; gastrointestinal bleeding; weakness; thyroid enlargement; joint pain; enlarged lymph nodes; chronic iodine poisoning; increased salivation; metallic taste in the mouth; tooth and gum injury; problems in the mouth and salivary glands.
Contraindications of Iodeton
Pregnant or lactating women; active pulmonary tuberculosis; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.
How to use Iodeton
Oral use
- Administer 15 ml, 4 times a day.
- 6 to 16 years : Administer 10 ml, 4 times daily.
- 2 to 6 years : Administer 7.5 ml, 4 times daily.
- 6 months to 2 years: Administer 5 ml, 4 times daily.
- Up to 6 months: Administer 2 ml, 2 times daily.