The glycemic curve is the graphical representation of how sugar appears in your blood after you eat your food and demonstrates how fast the carbohydrate is consumed by your blood cells.
Glycemic curve in pregnancy
The gestational glycemic curve indicates whether the mother developed diabetes during pregnancy. The glycemic curve test, which determines whether the mother has or does not have gestational diabetes, is usually done around the 20th week of gestation and is repeated if insulin resistance is checked, and in these cases the mother should follow a strict diet with foods with low glycemic index and with regular intervals to control blood sugar values.
This examination is important to ensure the well-being of the mother and the baby and control the situation with proper diet. In general babies of diabetic mothers tend to be very large.
After childbirth it is normal that neither the mother nor the baby maintains diabetes.
Low glycemic curve
Some foods produce a low glycemic curve, where sugar (carbohydrate) slowly reaches the blood and is slowly consumed and so the person takes more time to feel hungry.
The best foods for dieting, for example, are those that produce a low glycemic curve
High glycemic curve
French bread is an example of food that produces a high glycemic curve. It has a high glycemic index, apple is a food with moderate glycemic index and yogurt is a great example of food with low glycemic index. Check out more foods in the glycemic index table of foods.
Glycemic curve analysis
When you eat a bullet or even white flour bread, for example, where carbohydrates are simple, they quickly go to the blood and the amount of sugar in the blood increases immediately, but it is also consumed very quickly and the curve drops dramatically, producing a need to return to eat.
The more constant the glycemic curve, the less hunger the individual has, and the more constant their weight, because they do not develop episodes of eating uncontrolled due to hunger, so the constant glycemic curve is a common characteristic among people who do not greatly alter their weight throughout life.