Green tea speeds up metabolism and helps you lose weight because it has thermogenic properties and is also rich in caffeine, which also promotes weight loss.
Green tea is scientifically called Camellia sinensis and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic properties, being very useful for slimming, as long as its consumption is allied to a diet with few calories and regular practice of physical exercises.
How to take tea to lose weight
To take green tea and achieve weight loss results it is necessary to consume about 4 cups of green tea daily for 3 months. For tea:
- 1 teaspoon of green tea
- 1 cup water
Method of preparation
Add the herb to the boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Coar and take the following.
Tea should not be taken after meals because caffeine impairs the absorption of iron and vitamin C by the body and not at night, so as not to disturb sleep. One of the active substances in tea is caffeine and therefore its consumption can cause headaches, irritation and bad mood in the most sensitive people.
Contraindications of green tea include: pregnancy, lactation, insomnia, gastritis, and high blood pressure.
You can buy green tea in sheets, capsules or powder in pharmacies and drugstores.
In addition to green tea, goji berry also helps you lose weight and improve mood, so see all the benefits of this fruit.