Annotate or take a picture of everything you eat helps you lose weight because you are more aware of your diet and the food mistakes you make, so that you can change your habits and consequently lose weight.
This registration should be done daily and preferably throughout the day, ie after each meal. The length of the record is variable, and may be a food record of 3 days or a maximum of 7 days. You can also make a 24-hour food record, but 1 day may not be a good example of your usual diet and therefore may make it difficult to analyze errors.
How to make a food diary
To make a good food diary, just make a chart, noting the time of each meal and everything you ate, also saying the amount. It is also helpful to write down where you ate, what you were doing, who you were with, and your mood at that moment. This information can help identify why we can not keep a diet.
There are apps for the cell phone that make it easier to annotate what you eat, like nutrabem, tecnonutri, noweight or fatsecret, for example.
Once you have the food record it is important to analyze the food choices made to identify the food mistakes that are being made and that are preventing weight loss, but for a good analysis you should consult a dietician because this professional will know to identify some food errors and indicate a suitable diet for those who want to lose weight with health.
Watch the video and see what a diet to lose weight should be like:
Useful links:
- Weight loss with food re-education
- How to lose belly in 1 week