The diet for Crohn's disease should be poor in foods high in sugars and drinks with caffeine because sugars and caffeine irritate the gut and may increase the symptoms of Crohn's disease such as abdominal pains and bloody stools for example. Learn more about the symptoms of this disease in: How to Identify Crohn's Syndrome.
In addition, it is important to eat small meals and not spend many hours without eating so that the bowel has a regular activity and do not try too much causing pain and discomfort.
Foods that can be consumed
Some foods allowed in the diet for those with Crohn's disease may be:
- Rice, purees, potatoes;
- Lean meats, boiled eggs, sardines, tuna, salmon;
- Cooked vegetables, such as carrots and squash;
- Boiled fruits such as bananas and apples.
In addition to eating these foods should be made a supplement in omega 3, to help decrease inflammation and probiotics, to improve bowel functioning, but these supplements should be prescribed by the doctor or nutritionist.
Foods that should be avoided
The foods that should be avoided in Crohn's disease are:
- Coffee, black tea, caffeinated soft drinks;
- Raw vegetables and fruits in shell;
- Papaya, orange, plum;
- Milk, yogurt, cheese;
- Honey and sugar;
- Oats;
- Pork, fatty meats;
- Buttered biscuits, pastries with puff pastry, chocolate;
- Fritters, gratin, mayonnaise, frozen processed meals, butters, sour cream.
Foods rich in fiber, such as raw vegetables, fruits with bark or oats should be avoided especially when partial bowel obstruction occurs and in times of crisis because they may worsen symptoms.
Watch other feeding tips to control the symptoms in the following video:
Crohn's disease menu
An example of a menu for people with Crohn's disease can be:
- Breakfast - rice drink with toast.
- Lunch - egg scrambled with rice and pumpkin puree. Baked apple for dessert.
- Snack - cooked banana with cinnamon and walnuts.
- Dinner - grilled salmon with potatoes and boiled carrots, seasoned with olive oil. Roasted pear for dessert.
The diet for Crohn's disease varies from patient to patient because sensitivity can increase at any time and even foods that were commonly consumed may have to be eliminated from feeding for a period, so it is necessary to adjust the diet according to each patient counseling with a nutritionist or nutrologist is key.