Foods such as sausage, sausage and bacon can cause cancer because they are smoked and rich in substances that cause changes in the DNA and in the chemicals the industry uses to flavor and increase the shelf life of these foods.
These chemicals work by irritating the gut wall and causing minor cell damage, and the daily intake of 50g of meat already increases the chances of developing bowel cancer, especially colorectal cancer. In addition, a diet rich in sausages and red meats and low in fruits, vegetables and whole grains contains few fibers, which slows down the gut and causes the carcinogens of those meats to remain in contact with the intestine.
Check out a list of other potentially carcinogenic foods
Foods that have components that are associated with the development of cancer are:
- Pickles and processed meats like sausage, sausage and bacon, because they have nitrites and nitrates to help conserve and flavor foods, which irritate the wall of the intestine and cause changes in the cells, causing cancer;
- Smoked meats, because the smoke used during the smoking of the meat is rich in tar, a carcinogenic substance similar to that of cigarette smoke;
- Very salty foods like sun-meat and charque, since more than 5 g of salt per day can injure the cells of the stomach and cause cellular alterations that lead to the appearance of tumors;
- Sodium cyclamate sweetener, present in sweeteners and light or diet foods such as soft drinks and yogurts, because excess of this substance increases the risk of problems such as allergies and cancer.
Fried foods can also increase the risk of cancer, because when the oil reaches temperatures above 180ºC the heterocyclic amines, substances that stimulate the formation of tumors form.