An excellent natural treatment for constipation is plum juice, as the plum, in addition to being a rich source of vitamin A and minerals, has laxative properties that decrease the discomfort caused by constipation.
- 15 black plums
- 1 liter of water
Method of preparation
Add the black plums in a bowl with boiling water and leave them to soak overnight. In the morning the plums should be beaten in the blender with the water in which they were soaked. The individual with constipation should dilute the resulting juice in water or drink it thickly at least 2 times a day.
Increased intake of water and high-fiber foods such as rice, flaxseed, oats, granola, watermelon, kiwi, mango, squash, chuchu, kale and broccoli also help treat constipation.
Useful links:
- Spinach juice for constipation
- Natural Remedy for Constipation
- Constipation, what to do?