Apple and chili juice is good for fluid retention because chili and apple are foods with diuretic properties that help flush out body fluids and detoxify.
This recipe gives 3 cups of juice, which must be drunk before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thus, in addition to combating fluid retention helps to decrease appetite and to lose weight because this juice is also rich in fiber.
- 1 green pepper;
- 3 apples;
- 1 small handful of watercress;
- 2 glasses of water.
Method of preparation
Cut the top of the peppers, remove all their seeds, the same should be done with the apple. Subsequently, all ingredients should be cut into small pieces and added in the blender and well shaken. After this procedure the juice is ready to be drunk.
Water retention is the accumulation of water in the body and occurs mainly in women during menstruation or pregnancy, and can decrease with a higher consumption of water, 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day and diuretic foods such as celery, watermelon and cucumber, for example.
See other diuretic foods in: Diuretic foods.