In order to define the abdomen, it is necessary to do exercises that strengthen the CORE, so that the abdominals can become more evident, and in addition to reduce to the minimum the amount of fat of that region because the abdominal muscles are a small muscular group and only is defined in a belly without fat.
The 6 examples of exercises to set the abdomen at home are:
1 - Abdominal V
Lying on the floor, upside down, raise your legs slightly. With your arms straight out, lift the trunk off the floor, as the picture shows. Slowly do 3 sets of 8 repetitions, tightening the abdominal muscles and taking care not to strain your neck.
2 - Abdominal with raised leg
Lying on the floor belly up, lift your legs straight. With your arms stretched forward, lift the trunk off the floor as shown in the picture, and remain in this position for as long as up to 15. Repeat this exercise 3 times.
3 - Abdominal lateral with extended leg
Lying on the floor belly up, lift both legs straight. Next, place your hands on the back of your neck and raise your torso until you place your right elbow on your left leg and then your left elbow on your right leg. Slowly do 3 sets of 8 repetitions.
4 - Abdominal with hip lift in ball
Lying on the ground, upside down, place your soles on a Pilates ball and raise your torso without letting the ball out of place. Slowly do 3 sets of 8 trunk highs.
5 - Ball Board
In this exercise, one should stand in the position that shows the image and then bend the knees at the same time, bringing the ball closer to the torso without moving the arms. You should do 3 sets of 8 repetitions, very carefully and slowly.
6 - Board with 2 supports
This exercise consists of standing in the position that shows the image as long as you can, and it is not necessary to stay longer than 2 minutes. You should do 3 sets of this exercise.
Watch the video and learn another exercise that helps to leave the belly hard without having to do abdominal:
Tips for defining the abs
Some great tips for setting the abdomen are following a nutritionist-oriented hypocaloric diet as well as practicing aerobic exercise such as jogging to increase caloric expenditure and promote belly fat burning. But to stay with a "little" belly is essential to do abdominal exercises in several ways, several times a week and also eat foods rich in protein because this favors muscle hypertrophy.
In addition, martial arts are also an excellent choice for anyone who wants to define the abdomen, shape the body and increase endurance and physical strength. Find out the best martial arts to achieve these results by clicking here.
Adopting good posture is also very important to stay belly-less because, when the spine, hip and shoulders are well aligned, the abdominal muscles are better able to keep the organs properly positioned and not pre-emerged as is the case when there is poor posture.
Other exercises to do at home:
- 3 simple exercises to do at home and lose belly
- 3 exercises to tune your waist at home