Returning to intimate contact after pregnancy can be scary, mainly because the woman's body is still recovering from the stress and injuries caused by childbirth. Thus, it is advised that the woman re-establish intimate contact only when she feels prepared physically and mentally.
Generally, the minimum time recommended by most doctors, from birth to intimate contact, is approximately 1 month. This is the time the uterus needs to properly heal lesions caused by placental abruption, reducing the risk of infection.
However, even after that time, the woman may have a wound in the genital area, if she had a normal birth, or in the belly, if it was a cesarean section, so she can feel the region painful, affecting the will to have intimate relations.
Because the libido may be reduced after delivery
After childbirth it is common that the desire to have intimate contact is reduced for a few weeks, not only because it is very tiring to have to take care of the newborn, but also because the hormones released during the breastfeeding phase have this effect on the woman's libido .
In addition, after childbirth, it is also common to feel the genital region sore or even to have pain from the scar points, so it takes a little more time to regain it.
Tips for improving intimate life after childbirth
After childbirth the desire of the woman to have intimate contact is very little, however, it is important to maintain an active intimate life. For this, some tips include:
- Give preference to intimate activities that include only the touch and kisses;
- Talk to your partner about the activities you are comfortable with;
- Do pelvic muscle exercises like these exercises;
- Drink about 2 liters of water per day to accelerate healing and facilitate genital lubrication;
These tips help prepare the woman for intimate contact as they remove stress and make that phase a more natural step.
When to go to the doctor
It is important to see a doctor when the intimate relationship continues to be painful for a long time, since the wounds caused by the birth may be healing in the wrong way.
In addition, it is also necessary to go to the doctor when vaginal secretions, normal after childbirth, present a bad smell or continue with a lot of blood, because an infection may be developing that also facilitates the onset of pain.