Treatment for pancreatitis, which is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, is done with measures to decrease the inflammation of this organ, facilitating its recovery. The form of treatment is indicated by the general practitioner or gastro, being variable according to the form that the disease presents, being able to be acute, when it develops suddenly, or chronic, when it evolves slowly.
Generally, acute pancreatitis is a self-limiting disease, that is, it has a sudden worsening but evolves to a cure naturally, and it is recommended to use drugs to relieve abdominal pain, administer serum in the vein, to control hydration, besides do not eat orally as ways to decrease the inflammatory process and avoid serious complications. Learn about how to identify the symptoms and causes of acute pancreatitis.
The treatment of chronic pancreatitis can be done by replacing essential enzymes that reduce diarrhea and poor digestion caused by the disease, as well as analgesics to relieve abdominal pain. Chronic pancreatitis has no cure, usually caused by alcoholism or autoimmunity. Learn more about the symptoms and causes of chronic pancreatitis.
Treatment with surgery may be necessary in any type of pancreatitis, usually to correct complications caused, such as fistulas, abscesses or narrowing, for example. Thus, detailed treatment for each type of pancreatitis includes:
1. Acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis develops an intense inflammation in the pancreas, with a rapid evolution, so the treatment must be started quickly. The main forms of treatment include:
- Caring for the diet, with a fasting of at least 48 to 72 hours: to allow the pancreas to rest and allow its recovery. If fasting is needed for more days, a special supply may be directed through the vein. When released by the physician, a liquid or pasty diet can be initiated until recovery;
- Hydration, with serum in the vein : necessary the inflammatory process facilitates the loss of fluid from the blood vessels;
- Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Dipirone or Ibuprofen, for example: used to relieve pain in the upper abdomen characteristic of acute pancreatitis
- Antibiotics : only needed in people at higher risk of infection, such as in severe pancreatitis, in cases that develop with necrotizing pancreatitis, in elderly patients and with weakened immunity;
- Surgery : procedures such as removal of dead tissue or drainage of secretions are indicated for patients who have infected pancreatic necrosis and other complications such as abscess, hemorrhage, pseudocysts, perforation or obstruction of viscera, for example, or for removal of the gallbladder, in cases in which there are stones in the gallbladder causing pancreatitis.
The treatment of acute pancreatitis is initiated in the hospital, and a rigorous monitoring of the vital signs of the person with the disease is necessary, since it can become severe in some cases.
2. Chronic pancreatitis
In chronic pancreatitis chronic inflammation of the pancreas occurs, resulting in the formation of scars and tissue destruction of this organ, which may partially or totally lose its capacity. As this inflammation has no cure, the treatment aims to diminish the effects of its complications, being indicated:
- Supplementation of pancreatic enzymes : it is indicated the replacement of the enzymes that may be missing, by the ingestion of oily food preparations, because the lack of these enzymes can cause changes in the digestion and absorption of food, which causes diarrhea and slimming;
- Caring for the diet : A low-fat, easily digestible diet such as skim milk, egg white, lean meat or whole grains, for example, is important. Learn more about what a pancreatitis diet should look like;
- Analgesics, such as Dipyrone or Paracetamol: may be needed to relieve abdominal pain;
- Surgery : Can be performed to remove obstructions or narrowing of pancreatic ducts, drainage of pancreatic fluid or removal of injured tissue, which may worsen inflammation.
It may also be necessary to use insulin in patients who have become diabetic by illness or steroids to decrease inflammation in people with the disease due to autoimmune disease.
Also, during the treatment it is very important to avoid the consumption of substances toxic to the pancreas, like alcoholic beverages or cigarette, for example.
Check out these and other tips in the following video: