The presence of uterine polyps, especially in the case of being more than 2.0 cm, can hinder pregnancy and increase the risk of miscarriage, in addition to representing a risk for the woman and the baby during delivery, therefore, it is important that the woman is accompanied by the gynecologist and / or obstetrician to reduce the risks related to the presence of the polyp.
Although polyps are not so common in young women of childbearing age, all those who are diagnosed with this disorder should be regularly monitored by the gynecologist to assess whether other polyps have arisen or have increased in size.
Usually in this age group, the appearance of polyps is not related to the development of cancer, but it is up to the doctor to decide the most appropriate treatment for each case, because in some women, the polyps can disappear spontaneously without the need for surgical treatment.
Can uterine polyp make pregnancy difficult?
Women who have uterine polyps may find it more difficult to conceive because they may make it difficult to implant the fertilized egg into the uterus. However, there are many women who are able to get pregnant even with a uterine polyp, having no problems during pregnancy, but it is important that they are monitored by the doctor.
Women who wish to become pregnant but who have recently discovered that they have uterine polyps should follow medical guidelines because it may be necessary to remove the polyps before conception to decrease the risks during pregnancy.
As uterine polyps may not show any signs or symptoms, a woman who is unable to conceive, after 6 months of trying, can go to the gynecologist for a consultation and this doctor can order blood tests and a transvaginal ultrasound to check if there are any uterine alteration that is making pregnancy difficult. If the tests have normal results, other possible causes of infertility should be investigated.
See how to identify the uterine polyp.
Risks of uterine polyps in pregnancy
The presence of one or more uterine polyps, larger than 2 cm during pregnancy can increase the risk of vaginal bleeding and miscarriage, especially if the polyp increases in size.
Women with uterine polyp over 2 cm are the ones who have the most difficulty in getting pregnant, so it is common for them to be subjected to treatments for pregnancy such as IVF, and in this case, these are the ones who have the highest risk of undergo an abortion.
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