Physical activity for the elderly helps to strengthen muscles, helping to walk better, prevents diseases such as osteoporosis, depression and diabetes.
The benefits of physical activity also include:
- Prevents and helps fight diseases such as hypertension, stroke, varicose veins, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, anxiety, depression, heart and lung problems;
- Improve muscle strength, decreasing the risk of falls and facilitates movements of the arms, legs and torso;
- It reduces the consumption of medicines because it improves the sense of well-being, reducing the pain;
- Increases appetite;
- Improves overall fitness;
- Decreases social isolation because it increases the proximity with other people;
- It increases the self-esteem, confidence and acceptance of the elderly person's image of himself, bringing more general well-being.
Physical activity for the elderly should be done regularly, being part of their day to day activities, but always under the prescription of the geriatric doctor and guided by a properly qualified physiotherapist. Here are 5 exercises for seniors to do at home.
Stretching of muscles and joints is also very suitable for doing at home, improving blood circulation, mobility and physical and emotional well-being. Let's separate here in this video some examples that you can do at home, slowly and smoothly, as long as it does not cause pain:
How to start a physical activity for the elderly
Generally, at an early stage, low-impact activities such as walking, ballroom dancing and water aerobics are recommended, while avoiding the risk of muscle injury and joint overload.
Before starting any type of physical activity, the elderly should be guided by a physical educator or physiotherapist to define an individualized exercise program, as shown below:
- Warm-up period : 10 minutes through light hiking, climbing and descending stairs, swimming, pedaling or even daily activities such as household chores, gardening and dancing;
- Respiratory exercises : should be performed throughout the program, between one exercise and another;
- Stretching : improving the movements of the arms, legs and torso;
- Exercising to improve balance and coordination : walking on your fingertips and heels, walking forward, backward and sideways, overcoming obstacles on the ground;
- Train agility and walk faster ;
- Exercises to improve muscle strength : use of dumbbells and shin guards;
- Relaxation : period back to calm and rest.
It is important to emphasize that all physical activity should be adapted to the elderly and should be performed preferably in groups or doubles, so that it is more motivating, thus avoiding abandonment of the activity.
Physical activity for elderly hypertensive patients
Physical activity for older people with hypertension helps improve circulation, increases the body's blood volume, and improves overall fitness.
Activities such as walking and water aerobics are indicated, always under the guidance of a cardiologist and accompanied by a Professional of physical activity, in order to control any change in blood pressure values.
Physical activity for obese elderly people
Physical activity for obese elderly will bring countless benefits such as decreasing weight and amount of fats, increasing muscles and improving vigor. Also see what the elderly should eat to lose weight.
In elderly people with difficulties due to pains in muscles and joints, it can be indicated in an initial phase, walks and exercises in the water. Since elderly people have few limitations, activities in the gym can be recommended, such as aerobics classes, weight training, cycling or even running on the treadmill.
Because the elderly should practice Tai chi chuan
Thai Chi Chuan is also indicated for the elderly because it helps to strengthen the muscular system, work the body balance and improve the cognitive part of the brain due to the concentration required during the lessons.
In addition, it helps prevent falls in the elderly by avoiding their complications such as fractures and how the classes are in group helps to combat loneliness and is useful to prevent common depression in this age group.
There is no contraindication to this practice. Only individuals who have some heart disease should consider the situation with their doctors before they start classes.
To avoid injury, see also:
- The best exercises for the elderly
- 7 Caring for yourself