Antiaging foods are foods rich in antioxidants such as citrus fruits rich in vitamin C or Brazil nuts that have large amounts of vitamin E and selenium.
Aging is a natural process of the body that can be accelerated by stress, pollution, toxins and preservatives present in industrialized foods. Antiaging foods help cells stay healthy by preventing degenerative diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis.
List of anti-oxidant foods with anti-aging potential
Anti-oxidant foods with antiaging potential include:
- Strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, grape;
- Orange, lemon and other citrus fruits;
- Seed of sesame, flaxseed, sunflower seed, Brazil nut, cocoa;
- Carrot, tomato;
- Green tea;
- Coconut oil;
- Saffron (turmeric).
In addition to antiaging foods it is possible to resort to vitamin antioxidant supplements like Accouvite, Cenalfan, Cetiva AE, Revitan Anti OX or centrum for example. Taking any supplementation should be advised by a doctor or nutritionist even though it does not require a prescription.