Breast candidiasis happens especially during breastfeeding, but it can also happen when the woman has high glucose and thyroid abnormalities and the naturally occurring fungi on the skin multiply in a disordered manner causing the infection.
In this case the affected region is under the breasts, which happens mainly when the breasts are very large and do not support their weight, forming a fold of skin that is naturally hotter and humid, forming a scenario very favorable to the growth and development of fungi.
This type of candidiasis in the breast is also called candidiasic intertrigo and usually occurs in obese or very overweight people.
Symptoms of candidiasis in the breast
Candidiasis under the breast manifests itself through symptoms such as:
- Itching and redness under the breast;
- Desquamation of the skin;
- There may be a bad smell;
- The region may be covered with a whitish liquid;
- Skin cracking may occur.
Women who have thyroid abnormalities such as hypoparathyroidism, hypoadrenal, vaginitis, who have the highest glycemia, and who have recently used corticosteroid-based antibiotics or ointments are the ones at greatest risk of developing candidiasis.
The diagnosis is made by the general practitioner or dermatologist when observing the symptoms that the woman presents, it is not always necessary to perform tests to confirm the presence of Candida Albicans, being restricted to cases where the usual treatment was not enough to cure.
What treatment is indicated
The doctor may advise taking antifungal tablets such as Fluconazole and ointments to apply directly to the affected imidazole-based region that should be applied 1 to 2 times daily for up to 4 weeks. In addition it is recommended to keep the region always dry, and it may be useful to apply mentholated talc, for example. Maize starch should not be applied because this favors the development of fungi, aggravating the situation.
It may be necessary to avoid wearing a synthetic bra, giving preference to the cotton fabrics that better absorb the sweat, sometimes it may be necessary to change the bra more than once a day, especially on hot summer days. Wear loose cotton blouses can also be indicated to aerate the region, avoiding moisture.
Food does not need to be carbohydrate-free, but it is recommended to lower your intake as well as sugar consumption because they favor the development of candidiasis. Thus, rice, pasta, potatoes, bread and all sources of sugar should be avoided. Check out more carbohydrate-rich foods that should be avoided during treatment.
Check out in this video what you can eat during the treatment of candidiasis: