Breast milk is the best food that can be given to the baby. However, there are situations where it is not possible to give the breast or where it is preferable to give the milk in the bottle and for this it is necessary to extract the breast milk. Know the composition of breast milk.
There are several ways to extract it, whether it can be done with your hands or with a simple or double electric or manual bomb, depending on how often you want to extract the milk and the preference of each woman. For any method, you should always maintain good hygiene and follow tips that ensure the quality of milk for the baby and the best comfort for the mother.
How to get breast milk with a pumpkin
The choice of milk pump is related to how often the mother plans to feed her baby with breast milk through the bottle. So, if the mother wants to give her milk with the bottle once or twice a week, just use a manual pump, however, if you want to give more, the best option is to use an electric pump with a double milk extractor in that the milk is extracted more efficiently.
1. Manual bomb
There are several handpipes on the market whose method of use may vary slightly. However, what needs to be done in most of them is to place the funnel over the breast so that the nipple is properly centered in the tunnel, hold the funnel against the breast with the thumb and forefinger and support the breast with the palm of the hand and then simply start the extraction process according to the instructions of the pump.
2. Electric Bombilla
Electric bombs are easier to use because they do the work for the woman and can be simple, if they extract the milk from one breast at a time or double, if the extraction occurs in both breasts at the same time. There are several different electric pumps for sale, which can have various modes available, such as speed or pressure adjustment, for example.
The double electric pump has more advantages than the simple bomb because it is possible to obtain more milk in less time, the milk obtained has a higher energetic content, which is especially beneficial for premature babies and in addition, there is also a better breast emptying, which promotes the maintenance of breastfeeding.
How to use the bomb step by step
To use the pump properly, you should:
- Wash your hands well before you start to draw the milk;
- Choose a funnel of the right size for the breast, which should fit well to the nipple, leaving enough space so that it does not rub against the wall of the funnel and can move freely back and forth;
- Extract the maximum comfortable vacuum, which is the strongest vacuum that the mother can tolerate with a feeling of comfort;
- Massage the breast before or during extraction, making circular movements around the halo to stimulate the flow of milk;
- If you choose to take milk from one breast at a time, you should alternate several times between both breasts;
The withdrawal of the milk should never be painful and if the woman feels pain, she should immediately stop the process.
How to wash the bomb
Milk pumps should always be rinsed before and after use, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Generally, a deeper wash should be done per day and for this you should disassemble the extraction kit into individual parts and boil the non-electric components for about 5 minutes in water and the electrical components should be cleaned with a dry cloth.
In any case, before cleaning, always read the manufacturer's instructions first to avoid any damage to the pump.
How to take breast milk with your hands
Although it may be more difficult, breast milk can also be extracted with your hands. To do this, the same measures should be taken as for the use of a bomb, such as washing the hands well and massaging the breasts, and then the thumb should be placed about 2 to 3 centimeters above the nipple and the the middle finger about 2 to 3 inches slightly below, directly aligned with the thumb and make light and firm pressure toward the breastplate, compressing the breasts with a swiveling motion.
At first it may be difficult, but then the woman can usually find a rhythm, which will help to extract the milk more easily. Milk should be collected in a container with a wide opening.
When to take breast milk
Breast milk is the best food that can be given to the baby and the best way to do it is through breastfeeding. However there are situations where this is not possible, such as when the baby is very small or premature and still can not suck on the breast, when the mother needs to be absent, when she is sick or needs to take some medicine.
In addition, withdrawal of breast milk can also be done to help the baby pick up when the breast is too full, to increase milk production or so the father can also participate in breastfeeding the baby.
It is important to know that the more the breast is emptied, the more milk it produces and that a withdrawal routine should be established to make production more efficient.
How to store breast milk
In order to store breast milk taken with a pump, it must be placed in a suitable container that can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
After thawing, the milk lasts for about 24 hours in the refrigerator and about 4 hours if thawed at room temperature. Learn more about how to store breastmilk properly.
Tips for taking milk
To best breastfeed, you should relax and stay in a comfortable position with your shoulders relaxed and your back and arms well supported and follow the following tips to the maximum:
- Establish a routine, which will help stimulate the production of milk for fixed hours of the day;
- Choose a location with privacy and preferably no distractions, with everything you need within reach;
- If necessary, put hot compresses on the breast or massage the breast, making circular movements around the halo before the milk is withdrawn, to stimulate the descent and flow of the milk;
- Hold the extraction kit funnel between thumb and forefinger, using the palm of your hand and other fingers to support the breast;
- Rest as much time as possible.
In addition, before breastfeeding, you should tie your hair, remove your blouse and bra, and wash your hands thoroughly. After the milk is taken, it is essential to put the date and time it was taken into the container, so that it is possible to know if the milk is good enough to give the baby.