Although it is a bit harder to know exactly when it is the fertile period in women who have irregular menstruation, it is possible to know the most fertile days of the month taking into account the last 3 menstrual cycles. For example:
If the interval between 3 menses was 34 days; 38 days and 35 days, this gives an average of 35 days. In this case, always between one menstruation and another, the most fertile day will be the 17th day after menstruation.
Watch the video and see some examples of how to calculate:
For those who have the irregular cycle, the best strategy to avoid unwanted pregnancy is to take the contraceptive pill that will regulate the flow days, remembering to use condoms in all relationships to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases.
Anyone who is trying to get pregnant can still try buying ovulation tests at the pharmacy to invest in intimate contact during these days. Another hypothesis is to have a relationship every 3 days throughout the month, especially on the days when you can identify the signs of the fertile period, such as change in temperature, presence of mucus in the vagina and increased libido, for example.