Applying a little mosquito oil, hypoglossus or aloe vera oil daily on the skin is a great way to get rid of small spots on the skin left by the chicken pox. These products are natural and can even be used in children over 6 years of age.
After about 2 months of daily use, the spots may be clearer, but if you can not tell any difference, use whitening cream such as Suavicid, which may be indicated by the dermatologist.
Treatment to remove chickenpox marks and spots should only be started after the chicken pox has fully healed, but ideally it should be done early in childhood, otherwise the tags may become permanent and are very difficult to remove in the pox. adulthood.
Natural ways to get chicken pox stains
To remove the scars from the chickenpox of the child's skin, home remedies can be used, such as:
- Wheat Germ Oil : Apply wheat germ oil to the scars of chicken pox every day after showering. Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, which aid in healing and regeneration of the skin.
- Slug: cut 2 leaves of slug in half, with the help of a spoon, extract all the gel from inside the sheet into a container. Next, moisten a clean towel or gauze on the gel and wipe the scars daily, about 2 times a day. The slug helps in healing the skin, moisturizing and regenerating it.
- Oil of Rosa Mosquetá: apply the oil to the skin every day after bathing. Mosqueta rose oil promotes skin regeneration, whitening and moisturizing the skin.
In addition, it is also important to avoid sun exposure by using a sunscreen with SPF above 15 and do home scrubs every 2 weeks to remove dead skin cells. Here's how to make a good homemade scrub with natural ingredients.
Treatments to take away the marks of pox
If the chicken pox has not left dark spots on the skin, but small scars are left that are higher than the skin, treatments such as:
- Ointment with corticoid: combats itching, moisturizes and protects the skin but can only be used under medical advice;
- Peeling with acids: removes the most superficial layer of the skin, lightening the skin and removing scars;
- Dermabrasion: removes the outermost layer of the skin through a type of electric sandpaper, removing the marks of the chicken pox and giving a uniform contour to the skin;
- Laser: uses high energy light to remove damaged skin and remove unwanted scars from chicken pox.
The choice of the best aesthetic treatment should be made by the dermatologist or physiotherapist dermato functional after evaluation of the individual's skin.