Treatment to correct abdominal diastasis can be done with exercise, physiotherapy or, in the last case, surgery, when the spacing is greater than 5 cm and the exercises were not effective to correct the situation.
These treatment options can begin after the normal birth, or shortly after the cesarean section is healed, but in the case of surgery, it can only be performed when indicated by the doctor. In some cases the woman may opt for surgery for correction right after the baby wean, to be more comfortable for the two.
What is diastase:
Abdominal diastasis is the removal of the abdominal muscles and connective tissue that usually occurs during pregnancy, being the main cause of abdominal flaccidity and postpartum low back pain.
This distance can reach up to 10 cm away and is due to weakness of the rectus abdominis that is very stretched due to the growth of the belly during pregnancy, rapid weight loss, but also can happen outside of pregnancy, when the person lifts very heavy objects in a wrong posture.
Some women have such a large gap that they can press 3 or 4 fingers in their abdomen and these 'sink' as if they had a hole in the belly, because there is no muscular wall there that should prevent this entrance.
How to know if I have abdominal diastasis
You may be wary of having diastasis after childbirth when you feel the area below your belly is too soft and flaccid or notice a lump in your abdomen when you take some weight, crouch or cough, for example.
To make sure it is an abdominal diastasis you should:
- Lie on your belly up and press your index and middle fingers about 2 cm above and below the navel and then
- Contract the abdomen as if performing an abdominal exercise.
The normal thing is that when the abdomen contracts, the fingers jump a bit upwards, but in case of diastasis the fingers do not move, it is possible to even put 3 or 4 fingers side by side without them moving with the abdominal contraction.
Some situations that favor the development of abdominal diastasis are having more than one gestation, pregnancy of twins, baby with more than 4kg at birth and age over 35 years. When it is unrelated to pregnancy occurs due to weakness of the abs.
How to End Postpartum Diastasis
The treatment options for curing abdominal diastasis and getting the belly hard again are:
1. Clinical Pilates Exercises
The exercises are of great help in the treatment but must be performed with supervision of the physiotherapist or personal trainer because poorly executed can cause an increase in the intra-abdominal pressure, and increase the separation of the challenges, worsening the diastasis or lead to the hernia.
Some exercises recommended to correct the diastasis I show in this video:
These exercises are best indicated because they contract the abdominal transverse and the lower fibers of the rectus abdominis, strengthening them, without there being excessive pressure in the rectus abdominis.
2. Physiotherapy
In physical therapy equipment such as FES can be used which promotes the contraction of muscles. This device can be done for 15 to 20 minutes and is very effective in strengthening the rectus abdominis.
3. Surgery
Surgery is the last resort for correcting diastasis, but it is very simple and consists of sewing the muscles. Although surgery can be performed only for this purpose, the doctor may also suggest a liposuction or abdominoplasty to remove excess fat, sewing the muscle to finish.
What to do to make the belly hard
During treatment to correct abdominal diastasis is also recommended:
- Maintain good posture standing and sitting;
- Maintain contraction of the transverse abdominal muscle throughout the day. All you have to do is try to bring your belly button closer to your back, shrinking your belly especially when you're sitting, but you should keep that contraction all day long;
- Avoid as much as possible to bend the body forward, as if doing a traditional abdominal because it worsens the diastasis;
- Whenever you need to lower to get something off the floor, bend your legs, squatting your body and do not lean forward;
- Just change the baby's diaper on a high surface like a diaper change, or if you need to change into a bed, get down on your knees to not lean forward;
- Use the postpartum brace for most of the day and even to sleep, but do not forget to keep your belly curled inward to strengthen the transverse abdomen during the day.
In addition, it is important not to perform traditional abdominal exercises, nor the oblique abdominal to not worsen diastasis.
Treatment time
The treatment time may vary according to the size of the diastasis, since the greater the spasm, the more difficult it is to promote the union of the fibers only with exercises or physiotherapy. However in a diastase less than 5 cm, if the treatment is performed daily, in about 2 to 3 months it will be possible to observe the reduction of the diastasis.
Complications of diastasis
The main complication of abdominal diastasis is the onset of back pain in the lower back. This pain occurs because the abdominal muscles act as a natural band that protects the spine while walking, sitting and exercising. When this muscle is very weak, the spine becomes overloaded and there is a greater risk of developing herniated disc, for example. Therefore, it is important to perform the treatment, promoting the union and strengthening of the abdominal fibers.