The Oedipus complex is a concept espoused by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who refers to a phase of psychosexual development of the child, called the phallic phase, in which he begins to feel desire for the paternal element of the opposite sex and anger and jealousy for the element of the same sex.
According to Freud, the phallic phase happens around three years of age, when the child begins to realize that it is not the center of the world and that the love of the parents is not only for themselves but also shared among them. It is also at this stage that the boy begins to discover his genital organ, manipulating it frequently, which is often disapproved by the parents, creating in the boy fear of castration, making him retreat to this love and desire for the mother, since the father is a far superior rival to him.
This is a determining factor for your behavior in adulthood, especially in relation to your sex life.
What are the phases of the Oedipus Complex
By the age of three, the boy begins to become more attached to his mother, wishing only for himself, but because he discovers that his father also loves his mother, he feels that he is his rival, because he wants her only for himself, without its interference. Because the child can not eliminate his rival, who is the father, he can become disobedient, and have some aggressive attitudes.
In addition, when the boy enters the phallic phase, he begins to direct his interest and curiosity to his genital organ, which can be perceived by the parents, since he manipulates it frequently, which is often reproved by them, doing - to retreat to this love and desire for the mother, due to the fear of being castrated, since the father is a rival much superior to him.
According to Freud, it is also at this stage that boys and girls are concerned about the anatomical differences between the sexes. The girls begin to feel envious of the male organ and the boys are afraid of castration because they think that the girl's penis has been cut. On the other hand, the girl, when discovering the absence of a penis, feels inferior and blames the mother, developing a feeling of hatred.
Over time, the child begins to appreciate the qualities of the father, usually to imitate his behavior and as he advances into adulthood, the boy is disconnected from the mother and becoming independent, beginning to take an interest in other women.
The same symptoms can occur in female children, but the feeling of desire is in relation to the father and the feeling of anger and jealousy towards the mother. In girls, this phase is called the Electra Complex.
What is the ill-solved Oedipus complex?
Men who can not overcome the Oedipus complex can become effeminate and develop fears, and women can acquire behaviors characteristic of men. Both become cold and sexually shy, and experience feelings of inferiority and fear of disapproval.
Moreover, according to Freud, it is often the case that when the Oedipus complex extends into adulthood, it can provoke male or female homosexuality.