The practice of physical activities is recommended at all ages, since it increases the disposition, prevents diseases and improves the quality of life, however, there are some situations that physical activity should be performed with caution or, even, it is not indicated .
People with cardiovascular problems or who have undergone surgical procedures, for example, should not exercise without the doctor's approval, since there may be complications during exercise that can lead to death, for example.
Thus, before starting the practice of physical activities, it is necessary to do a series of exams so that it is possible to know if there are any cardiovascular, motor or articular alterations that may prevent or limit the performance of exercises.
Thus, some situations in which the practice of physical activity is not recommended or should be carried out with care, preferably with the accompaniment of a physical education professional, are:
1. Heart diseases
People who have heart disease, which are diseases related to the heart, such as hypertension and heart failure, for example, should practice physical activity only with the authorization of the cardiologist and accompanied by a physical education professional.
This is because due to the effort made during exercise, even if not very intense, there may be an increase in heart rate, which can result in a heart attack or stroke, for example.
Although physical activity is recommended in these cases in order to improve the person's quality of life and reduce the symptoms of the disease, it is important that the cardiologist advises on the best type of exercise, frequency and intensity that should be performed to avoid complications.
2. Children and the elderly
The practice of physical activity in childhood is highly recommended, because in addition to allowing better cardiorespiratory development, it makes the child interact with other children, especially when playing team sports. The contraindication to the practice of physical activity in childhood concerns exercises that involve weight lifting or high intensity, as they can interfere with their development. Thus, it is recommended that children practice more aerobic physical activities, such as dance, football or judo, for example.
In the case of the elderly, the practice of physical activities must be closely monitored by a trained professional, since it is common for older people to have limited movement, which makes certain exercises contraindicated. See what are the best exercises in old age.
3. Pre-eclampsia
Preeclampsia is a complication in pregnancy characterized by changes in blood circulation, decreased blood clotting capacity and high blood pressure. When this situation is not treated and controlled, there may be premature birth and sequelae for the baby, for example.
For this reason, pregnant women who have been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia can practice physical activity as long as they are released by the obstetrician and accompanied by a physical education professional to avoid the appearance of complications during pregnancy. Know how to recognize the symptoms of pre-eclampsia.
4. After marathons
After running marathons or intense competitions, it is important to rest to replenish the energy and muscle mass lost during exercise, otherwise there will be more chance of injuries occurring. Thus, it is recommended to rest 3 to 4 days after running a marathon, for example, so that physical activity can be resumed.
5. Flu and cold
Although exercise promotes increased immunity, the practice of intense physical activity when you have the flu, for example, is not indicated. This is because the practice of intense exercises can aggravate the symptoms even more and delay the improvement.
Thus, when you have a cold or the flu, the best thing to do is to rest and return to activities progressively when symptoms are no longer present.
6. After surgery
The performance of physical activities after surgeries should only happen after the physician's clearance and, preferably, under the supervision of a trained professional. This is because after surgical procedures, the body goes through an adaptation process, which can make the person feel bad during physical activity.
Therefore, after surgery, it is recommended to wait until complete recovery so that exercises with progressive intensity can be performed.
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