Physical Activity can help relieve and stop back pain by strengthening the back muscles, which lengthens the back muscles and also helps lift the body and reduces the risk of injury.
However, physical activity should be practiced regularly and always under the guidance of a physical education professional or personal trainer . In addition, a physiotherapist should ideally evaluate and monitor the body's progress, to ensure good results and an end to back pain.
How Physical Activity Can Relieve Pain
For physical activity to actually relieve back pain, especially for those who are starting after a long period of rest, activity should be practiced 2 to 3 times a week for at least 30 to 60 minutes, especially during the first month.
It is important that chosen physical activity, promote well being and that is appropriate for your problem and over time, the frequency with which you practice activity can be increased to 3 to 5 times a week, according to the senses benefit and relief of pain.
What may be causing back pain
Back pain can have different causes such as muscle injuries, parrot's beak, respiratory disease, scoliosis or spina bifida, for example and for each case it may be necessary to perform a different physical activity that must be indicated by the physiotherapist.
Here are the top causes of back pain in major causes and how to relieve back pain.
Tips to prevent back pain from coming back
In addition to regularly practicing physical activity, there are other day-to-day tips that can prevent back pain such as:
- Sleeping with a low pillow and if sleeping sideways or belly up, should not use pillow.
- Avoid stress and relax regularly with massages and essential oils that help the back muscles to relax and rest better;
- Correct the posture and try to always walk with your back straight and sit with your right trunk;
- Lose weight if you are overweight to avoid overloading your spine joints.
These little daily tips help supplement the results of physical activity practice, which in addition to helping to end back pain will also improve posture, which is one of the main causes of back pain.
If you have back pain see in this video what you can do to relieve the pain and click here to know what kind of exercises and stretches you can do at home safely.