Before surgery, it is important to ask the doctor and nurse for advice about the care that should be taken during the postoperative period, and what care to take a few days before performing the surgery. Find out more before and after surgery.
Especially when recovery is done at home, it is important to know exactly how and when to do the dressing, such as feeding, rest and return to work and physical exercise, as these tend to vary according to surgery which was performed.
However, there are some general care that should be followed after surgery, which include:
How to do the dressing in the postoperative period
The dressing protects the scar from the infection surgery and should be changed, preferably in the clinic or hospital, according to the nurse's indication. However, if it is not possible, here's how to do the home care at: How to Make a Bandage.
The individual should check if the dressing is dirty or if the scar has a foul odor and is releasing pus, as these are signs of scar infection, and if this is the case, go immediately to the emergency room. In addition, you should also be aware of possible signs of inflammation such as redness, pain and swelling in the scar area.
In addition, if the dressing is not waterproof, it is important not to wet it during bathing, protecting it because the ingress of water into the scar can cause infection in the wound.
How to feed in the postoperative period
What should be eaten in the postoperative period are foods that are easy to digest, in small amounts and with few fibers to decrease stool volume and so that the patient does not have to strain to evacuate.
The first meal after surgery should be liquid because the patient should still feel nauseated due to anesthesia. A vegetable soup whipped in a blender or a fruit juice with crumbled wafer may be a good option.
In relation to water it is important to drink water whenever you are thirsty because initially it can be difficult to get up to pee, although using a diaper is a good option.
On the second postoperative day, the food no longer needs to be liquid and must be invested in the healing foods to facilitate recovery. Good examples are yogurt, meats and fruits rich in vitamin C like strawberry.
You should avoid eating fried foods, fatty foods, condiments, pork or sweets, so that recovery will be faster. In addition, you should avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
In some surgeries, the doctor may recommend that the individual have a specific diet during recovery or even throughout life, so in these cases it is essential to consult a nutritionist. In some cases the liquid or pasty diet is recommended.
How to rest in the postoperative period
Usually, after surgery, rest is recommended to avoid scar spots coming out and scarring open, and the doctor should indicate how much rest time the individual should stay, according to the surgery.
During this time, the individual should not make efforts, lift weights, drive, have sex or exercise until the doctor is released. However, if you stay more than 3 days in bed you should do breathing exercises to prevent lung infections.
Normally, after a month of surgery, you can return to activities such as working, driving, having sex, and doing light exercise such as walking.
More intense exercise, such as playing football, biking, swimming, bodybuilding or other gym exercises, can usually only be resumed 3 months after surgery, but the doctor must indicate when a return to activities should be done.
How to relieve pain after surgery
After a surgery, when the individual is discharged, the doctor usually prescribes analgesics for pain, such as Paracetamol, so in case of pain that does not pass with medicines, and also in case of fever above 38ºC, diarrhea, poor being or shortness of breath, the individual should report the symptoms to the doctor or go to the emergency room.
Usually, before the patient is discharged, the doctor sets an appointment for 2 weeks to 1 month after the surgery in order to observe the patient and evaluate how the postoperative period is being, and it is very important not to miss this appointment.
To prevent blood clots from forming read: How to prevent thrombosis after surgery.