To avoid feeling sick while riding a plane, also known as kinesis, light meals should be made before and during the flight, and avoid mainly foods that stimulate the production of intestinal gas, such as beans, cabbage, egg, cucumber and watermelon.
This type of nausea can be felt in car, boat, train or plane trips, and is caused by the difficulty of the brain becoming accustomed to constant movement. In some people more sensitive this symptom can also appear when reading during the route of car or bus, for example. In this case, a person's brain may feel that it is being poisoned, and the body's first reaction is to stimulate vomiting.
Kinesis causes symptoms such as malaise, nausea, nausea, dizziness, sweating, belching, hot sensation and vomiting.
Those most likely to suffer from this problem are mainly women, pregnant women, children older than 2 years, and people with a history of labyrinthitis, anxiety or migraine.
What to eat
The power to be made varies according to the length of the trip, as shown below:
Short Flights
On short flights of less than 2 hours, nausea is more rare and can be avoided only by eating light meals before the trip, such as apple, pear, peach, dried fruits, unfilled cookies and cereal bars.
The meal should be made between 30 and 60 minutes before the trip, and during the flight one should consume only water.
Long Flights
Long flights, especially those that cross many time zones or last all night, are the ones that cause the most discomfort. Up to 1 day before traveling, you should avoid eating foods that cause gas, such as beans, eggs, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, turnip, watermelon, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.
In addition, it is also important to avoid red meat and fried foods, as well as milk and dairy products, especially for those who normally already feel some discomfort with the milk.
During the flight, you should prefer fish dishes or white meats with few sauces, and drink plenty of water.
Tips to prevent nausea
While on the road, other tips you can do to avoid nausea are:
- Wear an anti-motion wristband on each wrist throughout the trip;
- Open a window when possible;
- Fix the eyes on a fixed point, like the horizon;
- Keep the body still;
- Tilt your head back;
- Avoid reading.
However, when the subject has frequent nausea, an otolaryngologist should be consulted to evaluate the presence of problems in the ear, since this organ is the main responsible for the appearance of nausea.
Home Remedies and Pharmacy Medications
In addition to food care, another strategy that can be used to combat motion sickness during travel is to take pre-flight ginger tea and drink water with mint leaves while traveling. Here's how to prepare the tea here.
In cases of severe nausea, you can use medicines like Plasil or Dramin, which should be taken according to your doctor's advice.
Another common problem during flights is ear pain, so see how to combat it here.
Watch the following video and see some tips to make your trip even more comfortable: