To identify if the baby is allergic to cow's milk protein, one should observe the appearance of symptoms after taking milk, which are usually redness and itching of the skin, strong vomiting and diarrhea.
Although it may also occur in adults, milk allergy usually starts during childhood but tends to disappear after 4 years of age. When the symptoms appear, the pediatrician should be consulted to have the diagnosis of the disease and to start treatment so as not to impair the growth of the child.
Symptoms of milk allergy
Depending on the severity of the allergy, the symptoms may appear minutes, hours or days after the ingestion of milk. In the most severe cases, even the contact with the smell of milk or with cosmetic products that have milk in the composition can cause the symptoms to appear, which are:
- Redness and itching of the skin;
- Vomiting in the form of jet;
- Diarrhea;
- Stools with presence of blood;
- Constipation;
- Itching around the mouth;
- Swelling of the eyes and lips;
- Cough, wheezing, or shortness of breath.
As an allergy to cow's milk protein can cause a decrease in growth due to poor nutrition, it is important to seek the doctor in the presence of these symptoms.
The diagnosis of cow's milk allergy is based on the history of symptoms, blood test and oral challenge, in which milk is given to take the child to assess the onset of the allergy. In addition, the doctor may also ask to remove the milk from the child's diet to assess the improvement of symptoms.
It is also important to remember that the diagnosis of allergy to milk can take up to 4 weeks to be done as it depends on the severity of the allergy and the speed that the symptoms appear and disappear.
The treatment of cow's milk allergy is done with the withdrawal of milk and its derivatives from the diet, being prohibited the consumption of foods that carry milk in the recipe, such as cookies, cakes, pizzas, sauces and desserts.
The milk suitable for the child to take should be indicated by the pediatrician, as it should be a complete milk, but without presenting the cow's milk protein that causes allergy. Some examples of milk formulas indicated for these cases are Nan Soy, Pregomin, Aptamil and Alfaré. See which milk is best for your baby.
If the formula that the baby is taking is not complete, the pediatrician should indicate some supplements that should be used to avoid the deficiency of vitamins or minerals that can cause illnesses such as scurvy, which is the lack of vitamin C, or Beriberi, for lack of vitamin B, for example.
Can the baby have allergies to mother's milk?
Babies who are fed only breast milk may also have symptoms of allergy to milk because some of the cow's milk protein consumed by the mother passes into breast milk, causing allergy in the baby.
In these cases, the mother should avoid consuming products with cow's milk, preferring beverages and foods based on soy milk, preferably enriched with calcium.
How to know when is lactose intolerance?
To know if the baby has allergy or lactose intolerance, it is necessary to observe the symptoms, because in lactose intolerance only symptoms associated with poor digestion appear, such as increased gas, intestinal colic and diarrhea, while in milk allergy respiratory symptoms also appear and skin.
In addition, the baby should be taken to the doctor for tests to confirm the diagnosis, such as blood tests and the lactose intolerance test. Learn how this test is done.
It is also important to remember that the chances of the baby having cow's milk allergy or intolerance are greater when close relatives, such as parents or grandparents, also have the problem.
Here's how to feed the baby who has an allergy to avoid health problems and delayed baby growth.