Ginger tea is a great home remedy for coughing especially for cough with phlegm because ginger has expectorant properties and still helps to cough cough but cough can be accompanied by other symptoms such as body pain and sometimes fever when it appears accompanied it is important to consult a doctor.
But in addition to taking this cough tea it is recommended to drink plenty of water, to keep the body well hydrated and to fluidize any secretion of the throat, making it easier to be released.
1. Ginger with cinnamon
The ginger and cinnamon tea has a very pleasant taste, being able to be drunk cold or hot. Being a great refreshment for the summer.
- 5 cm ginger
- 1 stick of cinnamon
- 1 liter of water
Method of preparation
Boil the water and then with the fire off, then add cinnamon and ginger. The tea must be cooked and does not need to be sweetened. One should take 2 cups of tea a day.
2. Ginger with Echinacea
A great tea for allergic cough is echinacea because this medicinal plant has antihistaminic properties that help to calm the cough.
- 1 cm ginger
- 1 teaspoon of echinacea leaves
- 1 cup water
Method of preparation
Add the echinacea leaves in the cup of boiling water, cover and let to rinse. Filter and drink the following.
3. Ginger with onions and honey
A good cough tea with catarrh is onion peel because it has expectorant properties that help eliminate phlegm by soothing the cough.
- 1 cm ginger
- peels of 1 large onion
- 1 cup water
1 tablespoon honey
Method of preparation
Put the onion peel and water in a saucepan and boil for 3 minutes. Then extinguish the fire, cover the pan and let the tea blend. After lukewarm, filter, sweeten with honey and drink next. One should drink this tea 3 to 4 times a day.
4. Ginger with mint
An excellent natural remedy to stop coughing with phlegm is this carrot syrup because it is prepared with anti-inflammatory and expectorant ingredients.
- 3 carrots
- 1 tablespoon of ginger
- 2 sprigs of mint
- 1 glass of water
- honey to taste
Method of preparation
Beat the ingredients in the blender, coat and sugar with honey. Store this syrup in a tightly closed dark container and take 1 tablespoon of this syrup at least 3 times daily, between meals.
5. Ginger with Lemon
This tea is delicious and strengthens the immune system, in addition to being rich in vitamin C, fighting colds and flu, being a great natural complement against cough.
- 1 cm ginger
- 150 ml of water
- half lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of honey
Method of preparation
Put the water and ginger in a pan and bring to the heat, after 5 minutes add the honey and the lemon, let it knead and then take it when it is warm.
Check out other teas, syrups and cough juices in the following video: