The front facelift, also known as brow lift, is designed to reduce wrinkles or lines of expression in this area, as the technique raises eyebrows and softens the forehead skin, making it look younger.
This procedure is performed by the plastic surgeon, and can be done in 2 ways:
- With the endoscope : it is made with special instruments, with a camera in the tip, inserted by small cuts in the scalp. In this way, it is possible, reposition the muscles and pull the skin of the forehead, in addition to suctioning excess fat and tissue, with minimal cuts on the skin.
- With scalpel : Small cuts can be made on the scalp on the upper and lateral sides of the forehead so the doctor can release and pull the skin, but so that the scar can be hidden between the hair. In some people, small cuts can also be made in the folds of the eyelids, for the better the result.
Both forms offer excellent results, and can cost an average of between R $ 3, 000.00 to R $ 15, 000.00 reais, depending on the material used and the medical team that will perform the procedure.
How is the surgery done
The forehead lift surgery can be done separately or if the person has many lines of expression or wrinkles on other sites of the face, it can also be done in conjunction with the full face lift. See more details about face lift.
Usually, the surgery is done with local anesthesia and sedative medications, and has an average duration of 1 hour. The elevation of the forehead and eyebrows is fixed with stitches or small screws.
After the repositioning of the muscles and skin of the forehead, the surgeon closes the open places with special removable or absorbable threads, staples or adhesives made for the skin.
How is recovery
After the procedure, the person can go home the same day, with a dressing to protect the scar, which should be cleaned as directed by the doctor, and washing the head in the shower is released after about 3 days.
The healing lasts for about 7 to 10 days, and after that, a reassessment by the surgeon is necessary, for the removal of the points and observation of the recovery. During this time, it is recommended:
- Use the remedies to relieve pain or discomfort, such as painkillers and anti-inflammatories, prescribed by the doctor;
- Avoid physical exertion and avoid lowering your head;
- Do not expose yourself to the sun so as not to impair healing.
It is common to have bruising stains due to hematoma or an initial swelling, which will disappear after a few days, and the final result is only evident after a few weeks, when you can notice a smoother forehead and a younger appearance.
During recovery, the person should contact the surgeon immediately in case of severe pain, fever above 38 ° C, presence of purulent discharge or opening of the wound. Check out some essential care tips after plastic surgery to improve healing and recovery.