Before performing plastic surgery, it is important that preoperative examinations, which should be indicated by the doctor, are performed as the goal of avoiding complications during the procedure or in the recovery phase, such as anemia or serious infections, for example.
For this reason, the doctor indicates a series of tests to determine if the person is healthy and if the surgery is possible. It is only after examination of all the examinations that it is possible to inform the person if it is possible to perform plastic surgery without complications.
The main exams requested by the doctor before performing any plastic surgery are:
1. Blood tests
The blood tests are fundamental to know the general health conditions of the patient, so the most requested analyzes before the surgical procedures are:
- Hemogram, in which the amounts of red cells, leukocytes and platelets are checked;
- Coagulogram, which verifies the coagulation capacity of the person and, thus, identify the risk of major bleeding during the procedure;
- Fasting glycemia, since altered levels of glucose in the blood can be life-threatening, especially during surgery. In addition, if the person has very high levels of glucose in the blood, the risk of infection increases, and there may be an infection by a resistant microorganism, which is difficult to treat;
- Dosage of urea and creatinine in the blood as it gives information about the functioning of the kidneys;
- Dosage of antibodies, mainly total IgE and latex specific IgE, informs if the person has any type of allergy and if the immune system is preserved.
Blood tests may require fasting for at least 8 hours or as directed by the laboratory or physician. In addition, it is recommended that you do not use alcohol or smoke at least 2 days before the exam, as these factors may interfere with the result.
2. Urinalysis
The urine test is requested in order to check for kidney changes and possible infections. Thus, the physician usually calls for a type 1 urine test, also called EAS, in which macroscopic aspects such as color and odor and microscopic findings such as red blood cells, epithelial cells, leukocytes, crystals and microorganisms are observed. In addition, the pH, density, and presence of other substances in the urine, such as bilirubin, ketones, glucose and proteins, for example, can be reported for changes not only in the kidneys, but also in the liver, for example.
In addition to EAS, the plastic surgeon also recommends performing the uroculture, which is a microbiological examination that aims to verify the presence of microorganisms that cause infection. If infection is suspected, appropriate treatment is usually initiated to avoid the risk of complications during the procedure.
2. Cardiac Examination
The test that evaluates the heart normally requested before the surgeries is the electrocardiogram, also known as ECG, which evaluates the electrical activity of the heart. Through this examination, the cardiologist evaluates the rhythm, velocity and quantities of heart beats, and it is possible to identify any abnormality.
The ECG is a rapid examination, has an average duration of 10 minutes, does not cause pain and does not require specific preparation.
4. Image examination
Imaging tests vary according to the type of plastic surgery to be performed, but all have the same objective, which is to evaluate the region in which the surgery will be performed and to check the integrity of the organs.
In the case of mammoplasty of augmentation, reduction and mastopexy, for example, breast and armpit ultrasound are indicated, as well as mammography if the person is older than 50 years. In the case of abdominoplasty and liposuction, ultrasound of the total abdomen and of the abdominal wall are usually recommended. For rhinoplasty surgeries, for example, the doctor usually asks for tomography of the sinuses.
Imaging usually does not require any preparation, but it is important to follow the directions and directions of the doctor or the place where the examination will be performed.
When to take the medical exams?
Exams should be done with at least 3 months for plastic surgery, because exams performed more than 3 months may not represent the person's actual condition, as there may have been changes in the body.
The examinations are requested by the plastic surgeon and aim to know the person and identify possible changes that can put the patient at risk during the procedure. Therefore, it is important that all exams are performed to ensure the success and safety of the surgical procedure.
The results of the tests are analyzed by the doctor and the anesthesiologist and, if all is well, the surgery is authorized and performed without any risk.