Having good eating habits and practicing physical activity regularly is important for improving the quality of life. In addition, weight loss has many benefits, such as increasing energy and disposition, improving self-esteem, controlling hunger, and strengthening the immune system.
Check out 15 tips to reduce your belly, lose weight and stay fit in a few days:
1. Eat raw, high-fiber foods to improve bowel function and digestion;
2. Avoid drinks with gas because they are very sugary and increase the abdominal volume;
3. Do not eat fried foods under any circumstances. In addition to having many calories dispensable, you can eat the same foods with another type of preparation;
4. Avoid consuming ready-made spices or industrialized frozen foods, as they have more salt and promote water retention, increasing the sensation of swelling;
5. Always start meals with a shallow dish of salad . This serves to lick the stomach and control the feeling of hunger. Eating a pear 20 minutes before lunch and dinner is also a good trick to decrease appetite;
6. Do some physical activity on a regular basis . In addition to helping to reduce the belly, it also improves circulation, well-being and self-confidence. Here are 3 simple exercises to do at home, how to do the weight-loss workout, and check out a complete program to lose your belly in a week;
7. Increase metabolism with consumption of red pepper, green tea, ginger and ice water. These foods are thermogenic and help the body to lose calories even at a standstill. Five glasses of water a day is 200 calories less. See other thermogenic foods for weight loss;
8. Maintain good posture as it helps to decrease the rounded shape of the belly;
9. Make 6 meals a day and chew a lot . This gives the brain time to understand that it already has food in the stomach. See the 5 Benefits of Eating Slowly;
10. Drink plenty of water, preferably away from mealtime. In addition to cleaning the body, it also hydrates the intestine, regulating the intestinal function;
11. Avoid sweets, like desserts, and give preference to citrus fruits or even to gelatin, which also helps to fight sagging;
12. Eliminate all sources of added fats, such as margarine, poultry skins or meat fat;
13. Do not eat more than one carbohydrate source food per meal . For example, if you eat potatoes, you do not need to eat rice or if you eat noodles, you do not have to eat bread in the same meal.
14. Read package labels before you buy and be aware that the information refers to the whole package or only one portion.
15. Follow these tips for at least 10 days and let your body get used to these changes. The results will appear in a short time.
If it weighs every 10 days not to generate anxiety. It is not recommended if you weigh every day, but it should always be at the same time and on the same scale.
To follow up with weight loss, it is important to measure the waist with a tape measure, passing the tape over the navel and recording the values to better visualize the evolution of weight loss until reaching good form.