The 5 secrets to lose weight are simple and practical tips to do daily, and are very effective for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way and without harming health.
- Eat Fiber : Only 1 in 4 people eat the recommended daily amount of fiber. The fibers help the intestinal transit and give a sensation of satiety, that takes away the hunger. Eat foods rich in fiber.
- Eat 1 egg cooked : always at breakfast. The yolk helps to regulate blood sugar levels, decreasing the urge to eat sweets, and the clear fight against sagging.
- Drink 2 liters of water per day: between meals. This will moisturize the body and take away some of the hunger without consuming any calories.
- Eat fruits as dessert : they are rich in soluble fiber that form a kind of gel in the stomach, reducing hunger.
- Do not sleep after eating : when lying down, the body begins to relax, slowing down its pace and increasing the chances of accumulating fat in the body.
If after two weeks of practicing these tips the weight does not go down, it is important to consult a nutritionist or endocrinologist to help make an individual diet plan for weight loss and identify any health problems associated with the difficulty in losing weight.
Watch the following video and learn which supplements can help weight loss: