Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia syndrome that causes progressive degeneration of brain neurons and impairment of their cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, language, orientation, perception, reasoning, and thinking. To understand what the symptoms are, see the warning signs for Alzheimer's disease.
There are some hypotheses that try to demonstrate what causes this disease, and explain many of the symptoms that appear throughout its development, but it is known that Alzheimer's is related to the combination of several causes that include genetics and other risk factors such as aging, sedentarism, head trauma and smoking, for example.
So major possible causes for Alzheimer's disease are:
1. Genetics
Changes have been shown in some genes that influence brain functioning, such as the APP genes, apoE, PSEN1 and PSEN2, for example, that appear to be related to lesions in neurons that lead to Alzheimer's disease, but it is not yet known exactly which determines the changes.
Despite this, less than half of the cases of this disease are of hereditary cause, that is, it is passed by the person's parents or grandparents, which is familiar Alzheimer's, which happens in younger people, at 40 to 50 years old, having a very worsening fast. People affected by this variation of Alzheimer's have a 50% chance of transmitting the disease to their children.
The most common type, however, is sporadic Alzheimer's, which is unrelated to the family and occurs in people over 60, but there are still difficulties in finding the cause of this condition.
2. Protein accumulation in the brain
It has been observed that people with Alzheimer's disease have an abnormal accumulation of proteins, called beta-amyloid protein and Tau protein, which cause inflammation, disorganization and destruction of neuronal cells, especially in regions of the brain called the hippocampus and cortex.
It is known that these changes are influenced by the genes that have been cited, however, it is not yet known what causes this accumulation exactly, nor what to do to prevent it, and, therefore, Alzheimer's cure has not yet been found .
3. Decreased neurotransmitter acetylcholine
Acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter released by neurons, with a very important role in transmitting the nerve impulses of the brain and allowing it to function properly.
It is known that in Alzheimer's disease, acetylcholine is decreased and the neurons that produce it degenerate, but the cause is not yet known. Despite this, the current treatment for this disease is the use of anticholinesterase drugs, such as Donepezil, Galantamine and Rivastigmine, which act to increase the amount of this substance, which, despite not healing, slows the progression of dementia and improves the symptoms.
4. Environmental risks
Even if there are risks due to genetics, sporadic Alzheimer's also manifests itself due to conditions that are influenced by our habits, and which cause inflammation in the brain, such as:
- Excessive free radicals, which accumulate in our bodies due to inadequate diet, rich in sugars, fats and industrialized foods, as well as habits such as smoking, not practicing physical activity and living under stress;
- High cholesterol increases the chances of having Alzheimer's, so it is important to control this disease with cholesterol medicine, such as Simvastatin and Atorvastatin, as well as being another reason to take care of food and practice physical activity regularly;
- Atherosclerosis, which is the accumulation of fat in the vessels caused by conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking, can decrease blood circulation to the brain and facilitate the development of the disease;
- Age over 60 is a major risk for the development of this disease, because with aging, the body can not repair the changes that can arise in the cells, which increases the risk of diseases;
- Brain injury, which occurs after head trauma, in accidents or sports, for example, or by a stroke, increases the chances of neuron destruction and Alzheimer's development.
- Exposure to heavy metals, such as mercury and aluminum, are toxic substances that can accumulate and cause injury to various organs of the body, including the brain.
For these reasons, an important way to avoid Alzheimer's is to have healthy living habits, preferring a diet rich in vegetables, with few industrialized products, besides the practice of physical activity. See what are the attitudes one must have in order to live long and healthy.
How to diagnose
Alzheimer's is suspected when there are symptoms that demonstrate memory impairment, especially the most recent memory, associated with other changes in thinking and behavior, that worsen over time, such as:
- Mental confusion;
- Difficulty learning to learn new information;
- Repeating speech;
- Decreased vocabulary;
- Irritability;
- Aggressiveness;
- Difficulty sleeping;
- Loss of motor coordination;
- Apathy;
- Urinary and fecal incontinence;
- Do not recognize familiar or family members;
- Dependence on daily activities such as going to the bathroom, taking a shower, using the telephone or shopping.
For the diagnosis of Alzheimer's it is necessary to perform reasoning tests such as Mini mental state examination, Clock drawing, Test of verbal influence and other Neuropsychological tests, done by the neurologist or geriatrician.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain may also be required to detect changes in the brain, as well as clinical and blood tests that may rule out other disorders that cause memory disorders such as hypothyroidism, depression, vitamin B12 deficiency, hepatitis, or HIV, for example.
In addition, the accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins and Tau protein can be verified by examination of the cerebrospinal fluid collection, but because it is expensive, it is not always available for the realization.
Take a quick test now by answering the following questions that can help you identify your Alzheimer's risk (not replacing your doctor's assessment):
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Alzheimer's rapid test. Take the test to find out your risk of having this disease.
Start the test
- I have a good memory, although there are small forgetfulness that does not interfere with my daily life.
- Sometimes I forget some things like the question they asked me, I forget appointments and where I left the keys.
- I often forget what I did in the kitchen, the living room, or the bedroom, and what I was doing.
- I can not remember simple and recent information as the name of who I've just met, even if I try hard.
- It's impossible to remember where I am and who the people are around me.
- I am usually able to recognize people, places and know what day it is today.
- I do not remember very well what day it is today and I have a slight difficulty in keeping dates.
- I'm not sure what month we are, but I can recognize familiar places, but I get a bit confused in new places and I can get lost.
- I do not remember exactly who my family is, where I live and I do not remember anything about my past.
- All I know is my name, but sometimes I remember the names of my children, grandchildren or other relatives
- I am fully able to solve everyday problems and deal well with personal and financial issues.
- I have some difficulty understanding some abstract concepts such as why a person can become sad, for example.
- I'm feeling a bit insecure and I'm afraid to make decisions and so I prefer that others decide for me.
- I do not feel able to solve any problem and the only decision I make is what I want to eat.
- I am not able to make any decisions and I am totally dependent on the help of other people.
- Yes, I work normally, I shop, I'm involved with the community, church, and other social groups.
- Yes, but I'm starting to have some difficulty driving but I still feel safe and I know how to handle emergency or unplanned situations.
- Yes, but I am unable to be alone in important situations and I need someone to accompany me in social engagements to be able to look like a "normal" person to others.
- No, I do not leave the house alone because I do not have the capacity and I always need help.
- No, I'm unable to leave the house alone and I'm too sick for that.
- Great. I still have chores in the house, I have hobbies and personal interests.
- I no longer feel like doing anything in the house, but if they insist, I can try to do something.
- I completely abandoned my activities, as well as more complex hobbies and interests.
- All I know is bathing alone, dressing and watching television, and I can not do any other task in the house.
- I can not do anything on my own and I need help with everything.
- I am fully capable of taking care of myself, dressing, washing, bathing and using the bathroom.
- I'm starting to have some difficulty taking care of my own personal hygiene.
- I need others to remind me that I have to go to the bathroom, but I can handle my needs on my own.
- I need help getting dressed and cleaned up, and sometimes I pee on clothes.
- I can not do anything by myself and I need someone else to take care of my personal hygiene.
- I have normal social behavior and there are no changes in my personality.
- I have minor changes in my behavior, personality and emotional control.
- My personality is changing little by little, before I was very nice and now I'm kind of grumpy.
- They say that I have changed a lot and am no longer the same person and I am already avoided by my old friends, neighbors and distant relatives.
- My behavior has changed a lot and I have become a difficult and unpleasant person.
- I have no difficulty in speaking or writing.
- I'm beginning to have some difficulty finding the right words and it takes longer to complete my reasoning.
- It's getting harder and harder to find the right words and I've had trouble naming objects, and I notice that I have less vocabulary.
- It is very difficult to communicate, I have difficulty with words, to understand what they say and I do not know how to read or write.
- I just can not communicate, I do not say much, I do not write and I do not understand what I'm told.
- Normal, I do not notice any change in my mood, interest, or motivation.
- Sometimes I become sad, nervous, anxious or depressed, but without major concerns in life.
- I get sad, nervous or anxious every day and this has become more and more frequent.
- Every day I feel sad, nervous, anxious or depressed and I have no interest or motivation to perform any task.
- Sadness, depression, anxiety and nervousness are my daily companions and I have totally lost my interest in things and I have no motivation at all.
- I have perfect attention, good concentration and great interaction with everything that is around me.
- I'm starting to have trouble paying attention to something and I'm drowsy during the day.
- I have some difficulty in attention and little concentration and so I can stare fixedly or closed eyes for a while, even without sleep.
- I spend a good part of the day sleeping, I do not pay attention to anything and when I say I say things without logic or that have no relation to the subject of the conversation.
- I can not pay attention to anything and I'm completely deconcentrated.
Treatment for Alzheimer's
The treatment for Alzheimer's consists in reducing the symptoms of the disease, however this disease has not yet been cured. The use of drugs such as Donepezil, Galantamine, Rivastigmine or Memantine, as well as stimuli with the practice of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychotherapy is suggested for treatment.
Learn more about how treatment for Alzheimer's disease is done.