An excellent supplement for skin, hair and nails is hydrolyzed collagen, as it contains the necessary ingredients to keep these structures strong and healthy, and is also useful to quench hunger, increase skin elasticity and help you lose weight.
To achieve the best results, it is recommended that hydrolyzed collagen containing 9 g of collagen per serving be enriched with vitamins A, C and E as they are important for the maintenance and integrity of epithelial cells for the formation of collagen. collagen, being a great source of antioxidants and immune system enhancers.
How to Use Hair and Nail Skin Supplement
It is recommended to take 1 hydrolyzed collagen capsule along with 1 cup of water or add 1 measure of collagen hydrolyzate powder in 1 glass of milk or juice and drink soon after. Take daily. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any medication.
To complement it also you need to consume more Foods rich in collagen.