The natural coconut oil is very versatile, and can be used as a moisturizer for the face, hair mask, food for flavor and also for slimming. Due to its versatility, coconut oil can be found easily and used for various purposes.
Coconut oil can be obtained from dried coconut or fresh coconut, being called refined coconut oil or extra virgin, respectively. The extra-virgin coconut oil is the one that brings the most benefits to health, since it does not go through processes of refinement and does not lose nutrients. Learn more about extra virgin coconut oil.
Key Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is very versatile, possessing various applications and benefits. The main benefits of using coconut oil are:
- Strengthening of the immune system, protecting the organism against microorganisms and preventing the development of diseases;
- Skin and hair more hydrated, besides preventing the appearance of wrinkles due to its high concentration of antioxidants in its composition;
- Increased fat burning, because it makes it difficult to deposit circulating fat in the fatty tissue.
- Increased satiety, thus aiding in weight loss, since the desire to eat is reduced.
In addition, coconut oil is able to improve cholesterol levels and improve bowel function. Here's how to use coconut oil and make the most of all its benefits:
1. How to Use Coconut Oil to Lose Weight
A study in adult women has shown that swapping soybean oil with coconut oil helps to reduce abdominal fat and improve cholesterol levels, especially when it is done within a balanced diet for weight loss.
To obtain this result, one should consume 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day, preferably the extra virgin, adding this oil in juices, salads, teas or coffee, in addition to being able to prepare eggs, meats and fish with this oil. Learn more about the relationship between coconut oil and weight loss.
2. How to use Coconut Oil for cooking
To cook coconut oil can be used in various ways such as in the fried rice, for frying, for grilling meats or even in the making of cakes and pies.
To do this, simply replace the fat you usually use, sunflower oil, butter or olive oil for example, by coconut oil in the same quantities. So if you usually use 2 tablespoons of olive oil just replace 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to enjoy its benefits, which are higher when extra virgin coconut oil. However, it is not recommended to consume more than 1 tablespoon per day, considering all that a person can eat in a day.
This very beneficial oil can easily be prepared at home and for this you only need coconut water and coconuts with brown bark. Here's how to prepare in How to Make Coconut Oil at Home.
3. How to Use Coconut Oil to Hydrate Hair
Preparing homemade masks with Coconut Oil is very simple, being only necessary to choose some ingredients for the mask and add a few spoons of coconut oil so that your hair is more nourished, hydrated and strong. However, although very nutritious coconut oil should not be applied neatly on the hair and you should always choose to use extra virgin, cold pressed and 100% natural coconut oil.
Here's what you need to prepare homemade and natural masks with Coconut Oil:
Both Babosa and Honey mascara with coconut oil, Banana and Avocado with coconut oil or even the simple blend of coconut oil with olive oil, are homemade masks ideal for moisturizing and nourishing dry, lifeless and brittle hair .
These masks should be applied to the hair just washed and dry with a towel, allowing to act between 20 to 25 minutes, and then recommended to wash the hair again with shampoo to remove all remaining residue. In addition, to enhance the effect of the masks you can choose to use a heated towel or a heated wet towel, as they will help increase its moisturizing effect. Also see how to use Baru oil to lose weight and moisturize your skin and hair.
4. How to use Coconut Oil to Hydrate the Skin
To use on the skin, coconut oil is beneficial as it is a natural antifungal and bactericide, which presents a high moisturizing power to the skin, being easily absorbed.
So if you have dry and rough skin try putting a little coconut oil on a cotton pad and run all over the face, passing a larger amount in the eye area, letting it work all night. In addition, this oil can also be used as a makeup remover, removing even the waterproof mask and lipstick when it is in the solid state.
This oil can also be used to disguise stretch marks, blemishes and imperfections on the skin. It is therefore recommended to pass this fat daily in the problem areas, especially morning and night.
Check out a delicious recipe of avocado brigadeiro with coconut oil in the following video:
How to Make Coconut Oil at Home
Although it is more laborious, making coconut oil at home is cheaper.
- 3 cups coconut water;
- 2 brown-skinned coconuts cut into small pieces.
Method of preparation
The first step to making coconut oil at home is to beat all the ingredients in the blender or the mixer and then strain with a clean cloth and put the liquid in a bottle, which should remain in a dark environment for 48 hours. After this period, the bottle should be placed in a cool but sunless environment for another 6 hours.
After 6 hours, it is necessary to put the bottle standing in the refrigerator for 3 hours. With this, the coconut oil will solidify and to remove it should cut the bottle in the place where it can be observed the separation of water and oil, taking advantage of only the oil, which should be transferred to a container with lid.
Coconut oil becomes suitable for consumption when it is liquid and has a shelf life of 2 years, and there is no need to store it in the refrigerator.