Warts are small lesions on the skin that are caused by a virus and are transmitted directly from person to person through direct or indirect contact, so you can get a wart by touching someone else's wart, but also by using the same towel, for example.
The risk of contracting genital warts, also known as HPV, is greater than contracting in the feet or any other part of the body. Condom use in all relationships prevents the transmission of genital warts between partners.
Common warts are benign and may be of the vulgar type , which often appear around the nails ; of the plantar type , appearing on the soles of the feet; flat, which always appear in large numbers throughout the body or those already mentioned, genitals.
The appearance of the wart will vary depending on the affected site, while some are skin-colored, others are darker and may be soft or rough and these characteristics vary depending on the type of wart the person has.
How to protect yourself and not get warts
To avoid the risk of contamination with warts, you should:
- Avoid touching the warts of other people, without having the skin properly protected with gloves;
- Avoid community pools that are not properly cleaned with specific pool products;
- Do not use other people's towels;
- Avoid bathing and walking barefoot in swimming pools and clubs, always using rubber slippers on these occasions;
- Do not tamper with the warts you have because this can increase the amount of warts that the person possesses.
Although children and adolescents may have warts more easily, these lesions can affect people of all ages, and often disappear on their own, without any type of treatment. Salicylic acid ointments in low concentrations are usually effective in eliminating common warts, and to eliminate warts appearing on the soles of the feet, popularly known as fisheye, it may be necessary to use higher concentrations with up to 40% acid salicylic.
Here are some homemade tricks to get warts:
- Home Remedies for Warts
- Natural Remedy for Warts