Breast fibroadenoma usually does not become a cancer, its malignancy is a rare event. It is a benign tumor that appears in the breast of young women and tends to increase in size, in situations where there is a greater amount of hormones circulating in the bloodstream, as it happens in the period of menstruation and in pregnancy.
Women over the age of 30, who have never had a fibroadenoma of the breast, may be unconcerned because their chances are minimal. This type of tumor is most commonly found in adolescents and at the age of menopause, when the amount of hormones in the blood drops dramatically.
The recommended examination to evaluate fibroadenoma is, initially, breast self-examination, ultrasonography and, in some cases, a puncture can be performed to evaluate the material from which the tumor is made.
Surgery for removal of breast fibroadenoma may be indicated for cases in which the tumor is very large and causes poor aesthetic appearance or breast pain.