The olive tree, also known as Olea europaea L., is a very abundant tree in the Mediterranean region, from which fruits, oil and leaves are used, which are used to make tea.
Fruits, leaves and oil have numerous health benefits, as they have very important chemical components, such as antioxidants, olein, palmitic acid, aramin, stearin, cholesterols, cycloartanol, benzoic acid and mannitol.
The benefits of olive tea are as follows:
1. Improves digestion
Olive tea soothes irritating and inflammatory disorders such as indigestion, heartburn, gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer and can also be used for gastric lavage in case of poisoning by corrosive agents, to soften the irritated mucosa and accelerate the elimination. As it stimulates the flow of bile, it can also be used to help treat liver and gallbladder problems.
In addition, it can also be used on warm enemas to relieve constipation. Find out which fruits can help reduce constipation.
2. Helps to lose weight
The olive leaves help lower blood sugar, causing less insulin in the circulation, leading to a lower accumulation of fat in the abdominal region and better control of the glycemic peak, therefore consuming fewer calories .
In addition, the fact that olive leaves lower blood sugar levels can be very useful in people with diabetes, making it a great home remedy to complement the treatment.
3. Reduces blood pressure
Olive tea helps relax blood vessels, causing vasodilation and lowering blood pressure, and can therefore be used in cases of hypertension, angina, arrhythmias and other circulatory problems. Learn to recognize the symptoms of high blood pressure.
4. Improves flu and colds
A hot tea of olive leaves increases perspiration, aiding in the regulation of body temperature, thus helping to lower the fever. See other home remedies that help lower the fever.
Olive leaf tea also helps soothe dry, irritative cough as well as expiratory cough and also helps treat laryngitis and other upper respiratory tract infections. Get to know other remedies that can be used for dry and productive cough.
5. Helps treat cancer
By having in its composition antioxidants, the olive tree makes the cell membranes less susceptible to destruction by free radicals. For the same reason, it can help reduce cancer and slow down aging. Also know what foods to eat to fight cancer.
6. Improves skin problems
The olive tree can still be used on different skin conditions such as boils, eczema, herpes simplex, dry skin, brittle nails, insect bites and stings and burns.
In addition, a tea made with olive leaves, can be used as oral disinfectant, bleeding and infection of the gums, gargling and throat pain.
How To Make Tea
To make olive tree tea, simply boil a handful of dried olive leaves in a liter of water and drink several times a day.
Possible side effects
Although it is very rare, the side effects that can occur with olive tree tea are hypotension, changes in the liver and gallbladder and diarrhea in high doses and in sensitive people.