Green coffee, the English green coffee, is a dietary supplement that serves to lose weight because it increases energy consumption and so the body burns more calories even at rest.
This natural remedy is rich in caffeine, which has thermogenic function, and chlorogenic acid, which hinders the absorption of fat. That way, green coffee can be used to slim down because it causes the body to spend more calories and makes it harder to store small doses of fat from the diet. In addition, green coffee is also considered a potent antioxidant that helps prevent premature aging.
Green coffee supplement is indicated for weight loss, but should be used in conjunction with a diet and exercise to achieve a better result. When combined with these care it is possible to lose 2 to 3 kg per month.
How to take
It is advised to take 1 capsule of green coffee in the morning and another capsule twenty minutes before lunch, totaling 2 capsules daily.
The bottles with 60 capsules of green coffee can cost 25 reais, and 120 capsules approximately 50 reais. This supplement can be purchased at natural products stores such as the Green World, for example.
Side effects
Green coffee contains caffeine and therefore should not be consumed after 20 hours, especially by people who have difficulty sleeping. In addition, people who are not accustomed to coffee may experience headache at the beginning of treatment because of the increased amount of caffeine in the bloodstream.
The green coffee supplement should not be used during pregnancy, during the breastfeeding phase, in case of tachycardia or heart problems.