To increase the chances of getting pregnant the woman should opt for a healthy lifestyle, feeding herself properly, leaving addictions and practicing some type of physical activity, because the female fertility rate is closely linked to the environment in which she lives, lifestyle that leads and to the emotional factor.
Women who find it difficult to conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse and without contraceptive use should be evaluated by a gynecologist who specializes in human reproduction. They can use some form of treatment to get pregnant or choose to adopt a child.
It should be borne in mind that these treatments can be time consuming and because they use a large amount of synthetic hormones, they should only be carried out with medical judgment, according to the recommendation of specialists.
Check out the best foods to increase the chances of pregnancy by clicking here.
How Age Influences Female Fertility
Female fertility begins around 12 years of age and decreases every year until it ceases completely during menopause, around age 50.
If the woman wants to become pregnant at the age of 20, 30 or 40, she should resort to a resource called a table, where she should observe her menstrual cycle, days of ovulation, and know her fertile time to know when to have relationships to get pregnant.
After analyzing all these data, she should have a day to day relationship, not a day, in the first two weeks before menstruation, because it is these days that there is a greater chance of pregnancy.