The hernia is a lump of some internal organ that can appear in several places of the body like navel, abdomen, thigh, crotch or column for example.
The hernias arise when a part of an organ is displaced, and this part invades a space that it should not. There are different types of hernias that can arise, but the most frequent ones are:
- Inguinal hernia, located in the groin;
- Herniated disc, located in the spine;
- Hernia hernia or diaphragmatic hernia that are located in the region of the abdomen;
- Umbilical hernia, located in the umbilicus;
- Femoral hernia, located in the thigh region.
In addition there is also the muscular hernia, which can arise in any muscle of the body or the incisional hernia that may arise after some surgery.
When a hernia appears, it needs to be treated as soon as possible. The most common is to perform a small surgery, with local or epidural anesthesia.
Causes of Hernia
The hernia can have several causes, which can include:
- Weight lifting at the gym or at work;
- Carry bags very heavy often;
- Excessive cough;
- Extreme effort;
- Make too much force to defecate;
- Have one pregnancy after another in a short time.
In addition to these factors, pregnancy can also lead to the onset of some hernia, especially in situations where the woman has one pregnancy after another.
Hernias can appear at any age, but are more common in adults. In children, the most common hernia is umbilical hernia, which arises around the 6 months of the baby and usually resolves alone at around 4 years of age.
Symptoms of Hernia
Some of the symptoms that may indicate the presence of a hernia may include:
- Overhang on the skin, in any region of the body;
- Pain in the region, especially after making efforts;
In some cases the diagnosis of the hernia can be made based on the evidenced symptoms and through the local probing to identify if there is any protuberance or protrusion under the skin. To confirm the diagnosis the doctor may ask to have an ultrasound.
If the region of the hernia swells, change from one hour to the next or if there is a lot of pain, it is recommended to go to the hospital immediately.
Surgery to treat hernia
Hernia surgery is the best treatment available, consisting of repositioning the organ in its proper place, placing a protective screen if necessary to prevent the hernia from returning.
Surgery should be done soon when the hernia is diagnosed in order to avoid complications such as strangulation, for example, which happens when the hernia does not return to the place and holds the blood circulation in place.