To burn localized fat more easily, in addition to doing physical exercise and a low-calorie diet, you can opt for the aesthetic treatments that lead to the breakup and consequently elimination of the cells that store fat.
Some great options are the high-frequency ultrasound, carboxytherapy, radiofrequency and endermology devices that achieve great results in a relatively short time, but the choice of treatment should be guided by the specialized physiotherapist or beautician, taking into account how appearance and whether it is soft or hard.
But to supplement these treatments and get rid of localized fat faster one should practice high intensity exercises daily, or at least 3 times a week for about 1 hour, and eat every 3 hours and avoid ingesting rich foods in fat, such as snack foods, sausages and pre-prepared foods, for example.
It is more common for women to accumulate fat in the thighs, back and hip, and it is from the menopause that this accumulation becomes more accentuated. In men, the places of greatest accumulation are the belly and the buttocks, having more relation with the sedentarism and the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
How to eliminate localized fat
Some options to eliminate localized fat are:
1. Fat found on the back
The fat located in the back is one that can be seen in the lower part of the shoulder blades or just below the bra line, forming the "folds" of the back. To end localized fat on the back it is recommended to perform localized exercise, such as rowing, that works and tones the muscles of the back and helps burn the fat in that region.
In addition, other treatment options to burn the fat located in the back may be lipocavitation or endermology, for example. Learn how this technique is done in: Lipocavitation.
2. Localized fat in the belly
The fat found in the belly is one of the most difficult to eliminate, and it is important to perform daily abdominal exercises to tone the muscles of that region, which also contribute to the improvement of body posture. You can practice running, walking, water aerobics or swimming. The most important thing is not to sit still and invest in exercises that make you sweat your shirt and increase your heart rate.
Fat-burning supplements such as L-carnitine or CLA may also be used to facilitate the loss of abdominal fat through the destruction of fat deposits, but should only be used as directed by a physician or dietitian because they are not indicated for all people.
The aesthetic treatments that achieve better results in this region are cryolipolysis, lipocavitation, radiofrequency, mantus and also plastic surgery of abdominoplasty.
3. Fat located in the thighs
The fat located in the thighs is one that can be observed in the inner and posterior region of the legs, near the buttock, which is usually stuffed with cellulite. Against the fat located in this region it is advisable to perform exercises that work the muscles of the legs, such as squatting or sinking, with professional guidance so that they are performed correctly, without harming the spine.
Some aesthetic treatments that can help you lose fat include the electric stimulation current such as the Russian current or the Aussie chain, as these equipment promote a more intense muscle contraction and burn the fat located in this region with greater ease.
Check out some Exercises to thicken your legs that can also help you win this battle.
4. Fat located between waist and hip
The fat located on the flanks is the fat that is on the side of the trunk, just below the ribs and above the top of the quadric bone. To melt this fat you can perform a modeling massage, use reducing creams, lipocavitation or radiofrequency. Liposuction surgery will help to give a better body contour more quickly, but it is more expensive and has other health risks.
See the ingredients that can not be missing in the gel or cream reducer of measures.
5. Fat found on the face
The fat on the face can be on the cheeks or under the chin, forming the double chin, increasing the size of the face, leaving it with a more swollen appearance. In this case, to eliminate fat from this area you can perform a treatment with radiofrequency, use reducing creams or to resort to surgeries such as liposuction, a bichectomy or a facelift, which besides helping to remove fat, also contributes to the skin stay firm and without wrinkles. Learn How Surgery Works to Tune Your Face and Its Risks.
But if you're looking for something simpler, take a look at the following video and learn some tricks that might help: